Tuesday, October 27, 2009

There isn't a lot to report I am sad to say... apparently when you are pregnant life sort of stands still. Nothing new and exciting happens cause everyone is too afraid to even go near you... you know, in this 'fragile' state.


I volunteered to sweep up some cigarette butts at work cause some fucking idiot has been tossing them in to the loading bay of the company next to ours and I was politely refused because of my 'condition'.

What?! Are you kidding?!? It's not like I am going to be picking them up, sniffing them, eating them, or even *gasp* re-lighting them for a buzz! Fucking-A I tell you!!!

Mind you, I should be happy that I can use this 'fragile condition' as an out for any kind of physical labor. I had someone flip a case of 12 bottles of wine for me actually, cause well. I shouldn't really be lifting anything, right? (when you bottle wine you have to leave them on their side after 3 or 4 days to keep the cork wet, in case you were wondering what the hell I was talking about)

Hmmmm this really could be used to my advantage! I have already tried a few on V, and while she is pretty accommodating, she has made it clear that she isn't going to fall for it for the whole nine months and I should be prepared for a solid beating after the baby is born if I in any way take deliberate advantage of HER. Who me?!?! Never **tsk tsk!**

Now, some advice for all you non-preggo's...

Do everything you can for your pregnant friends.

It's nice.

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