Friday, July 29, 2011

I was attacked by a moth today. True story.

Last night I left all the windows down in the SUV including the sunroof. I mean, it’s gorgeous out, right? No need to do the responsible thing and lock up your fucking vehicle. It’s not like we live in a shitty neighborhood anyways. Robberies don’t happen. 

Um, wait. YEAH THEY DO. In broad daylight. My bad.

Two weeks ago, while we were out for the afternoon, some punk(s) stole a cooler full of drinks we had left in the carport, our brand new pressure washer, and (strangely) our spray attachment to our hose. My husband says its copper or some other metal (I tune out when he gets all manly on me) that sells for like kajillion dollars on the black market so he gets it. I am slightly confused by this however, since I think it was like $7.00 at Canadian Tire, but whatever.

So, I left the vehicle pretty much with a sign on the back window saying ‘STEAL ME’, but without an actual sign, and lucky for me that didn’t happen. What did happen however, was that while I was pulling out of the carport at 7am this morning a moth attacked my face and almost caused me to drive into the side of the staircase leading to my front door. Or the laundry room, I don’t remember exactly. I, and my children, were too terrified to notice the small details. 

So I look like an Asian male here, but that's only because I stole this pic from the interweb ok?

First, I screamed. Then they screamed. And then I miraculously discovered my foot was still on the gas pedal and I slammed it into park (In hindsight I should be given an award for realizing this) and then I jumped out of the drivers side faster than you can say ‘you’re and idiot’.

And my 9 year old saved the day. She swatted that moth right out the door and we carried on our morning. Three cheers for the mature 9 year old, she deserves it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alasan kenapa film bokep dilarang

5 alasan kenapa film bokep dilarang-:

1. Nggak jelas mana jagoan dan mana penjahatnya !!!

2. Terlalu berbahaya: Semuanya ADEGAN dilakukan tanpa pemeran pengganti !!!

3. Tidak masuk Akal !!! Yang cewek sakti banget, sudah dikeroyok, ditusuk puluhan kali, dari depan & belakang, atas & bawah tapi ngak mati mati !!! yg kalah malah cowoknya, setelah nembak malah lemes ngak bisa bangun lagi !!!

4. Dialognya terlalu Religius !!! Ini kan bukan film ROHANI !!! Si Cewek selalu saja teriak teriak Oh My God…. Oh My God…..!!!

5. Sering pula pemainnya melakukan dialog yg plin plan.. Oh yes..Ooohh Yesss… D ).. Ooohh No ()… Oooohh No… yg bener yg mana ……………

Pantesan pornografi dilarang ya....memang aneh......wkwkwkkwkwkwkwkwk

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Penyebab PLN sering Mati


Skripsi : suatu ketika tiba lah giliran si caban mempresentasikan skripsi nya, kebetulan dibuatnya dalam bentuk power point. Ketika sudah didepan,dibukanya lah power point nya, begitu terkejutnya dosen-dosen penguji melihat power point si caban tersebut, selidik demi selidik ternyata power point nya hanya berisi titik. Dosen pun menghampirinya dan berkata "apa-apaan itu Caban!! " Sedikit kesal dosen tersebut , tapi dengan tenang dan tabah Caban menjawab : " Pak segala tulisan ϑĩ skripsi saya ini semua pasti ϑĩ akhirnya titik (.) Jadi biar singkat ,padat tp tdk jelas maka saya buat lah demikian.

Jelang Puasa

Dicium kening gelisah,,,dicium pipi resah,,,dicium bibir pasrah,,,dicium dada mendesah,,,dicium puser bergairah,,,giliran suruh cium sajadah pd ogah..ayo tobat mau puasa nih

Hi, My Name Is... Not what you expected

Cheesy Bloggers has given us a new writing prompt: How did you come up with your name. Now, we can be selective and pick ANY name; blog name, pets name, children’s name, I could go on… but the general point was for us to share our creative (or silly) idea around creating names.

So my contribution for Cheesy Blogger's Hi, My Name is… is how my hubby came up with the name for something that decided to grow ON MY FACE. That’s right, a pimple. And not just some regular run of the mill, white-head that sometimes blemishes the face of us regular folk.  This was probably the largest zit I have ever seen, and it almost made me incapable of leaving the house for a few days. 

This is what I looked like. Only not as pretty, and she doesn't even have a zit. So yeah, basically what I looked like.
Unfortunately I have this thing called a life (read: career and children) and turning into a hermit all in the name of vanity doesn’t really work for me. But I was temped. FOR SURE. 

You see, it wasn’t like this zit decided to grow in some obscure place that no one with relatively decent eye sight could see. I mean, that would be somewhat respectable, right? No, this god forsaken lump of blood, oil, and white puss (am I grossing you out yet?) decided that my forehead was as good place as any, and firmly started growing its roots.

Yes, roots. This thing WAS DEEP. And painful I might add.

It didn’t really attack my whole face until it had festered for a few days, but one morning I woke up and there it was: the size of a quarter and as red as a cherry. Lucky me! Now, you can’t hide these things until you know they are there…so it was even luckier for me that my hubby gets to see my beautiful face in the morning first, before I am subjected to the bathroom mirror.

In as much love and adoration that he could muster, he peered at me sleepily through one eye and said “Dear...*dramatic pause for effect*... Mt Saint Carmen is about to burst on your forehead. Do I need safety goggles?”

(He almost died that morning.)

To this day, every time one of these monstrous zits appears, he likes to politely refer to it as Mt. Saint Carmen Jr. But I would like to add that none of them have ever compared to the original.That one deserves it's own postal code. Or zip code for you Americans.

So to save face that day (hahaha), this is how I left the house. Only, again, not as pretty.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama "needs a dance partner" on immigration reform while speaking before La Raza

"The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that's not how our system works. That's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written," Obama said at the National Council of La Raza's annual conference.

"Let's be honest, I need a dance partner here, and the floor is empty," he added, referring to the need for bipartisan congressional support to pass an immigration reform measure.

Members of the audience responded by chanting, "Yes you can, yes you can."

"I need you to keep building a movement for change outside of Washington, one they can't stop, one that's greater than this community," Obama told them.

La Raza, behind the NAACP is the most racist political organization in our country. La Raza in Spanish literally means "The Race". What a disgrace our president is.

Blog Lovin'.

I kinda like these blog award thingys. They make me feel special, loved, and wanted. Perhaps that shows my insecurities, but whatever. Thanks to my good friend Angela at Begging the Answer, I have been graciously handed another one so here it goes…

7 things you don’t know about me and maybe don’t really care to know but it’s the way these things work, so I’m sharing:

  1. I have a Munroe piercing. People who see me in pics (and sometimes in person) think I have food on my face. Awesome.
  2. My hubby is a dual citizen with Finland and Canada. He doesn’t look Finnish. At All.
  3. I have an obsession with clean sheets. My hubby doesn’t. It causes me unneeded stress. And a lot of sheet changing on my own.
  4. I color code my skittles and eat 1 of each color at a time.
  5. I turned down a soccer scholarship for a boy. Wasn’t my smartest move ever.
  6. I don’t like pizza, but work in the pizza industry. Go figure.
  7. I was once a ‘navy wife’.

You, know writing these things about yourself can be pretty challenging.

So a few bloggers I’d like to pass this award to:

I think the rules are that I nominate 15, but *sigh* that could take me YEARS, so check out my blog roll over there --> and take a look at even more awesome bloggers that I stalk. You are welcome.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik was a RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN TERRORIST!

The Norway massacre was carried out not by Muslims as I had suspected, but by a "Christian fundamentalist" as the media has already branded him. No surprise there.

Oh boy, are you ready for this train ride?

"The suspect in custory was identified by Norway's national broadcaster as Anders Behring Breivik, 32; police would not confirm his identity because he has not been formally charged.

Authorities say he posted on Christian fundamentalist websites and reportedly held right-wing, anti-Muslim views. He was also once a member of the youth wing of a rightist party."

Are you ready for an all out assault on Christianity and right wing ideology? Because the wave of left wing hate towards all things Christ like is already coming, and this is all the ammunition they need.

Mosey on over to the left wing anti-Christian Daily Kos, where they are already having a heyday.

In online debates he makes his mark as a well-read, and one with strong opinions about Norwegian politics. He promotes a very conservative opinions, which he also called nationalist. He expresses himself strongly opposed to multiculturalism – that cultural differences can live together in a community. In one of the posts he states that politics today no longer revolves around socialism against capitalism, but that the fight is between nationalism and internationalism. He expressed clear support for the nationalist mindset. He also commented on the Swedish news articles, where he makes it clear that he believes the media have failed by not being “NOK” Islam-critical.

Oh no!! Christian! Conservative! Nationalist! Anti Islam! 

He might as well be a Tea Partier! The only word I have yet to see is RAAAAAAACIST.

Christian fundamentalist websites? I would love to see what kind of sites these are. Are they cult websites? Aryan websites? Nordic Viking metal websites?

Let's get something straight. This guy should have been dead the moment he was apprehended. It is too bad one of the officers didn't "accidentally" have a negligent discharge and save the taxpayers in Norway a year's worth of justice system grief at their expense. This guy deserves death, nothing less.

That said, I predict this event will be the primary source of ammunition for Christian haters worldwide for years to come. I can see Rosie O'Donnell flailing her flabby arms in her mudhole right now screaming, "Burn the Christians!". Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Janet Napolitano will justify this as evidence that right wing "Christian" terrorism is just as dangerous as Islamic terrorism. Atheists who dominate the politics in Europe will do the same. Hatred for the religion of Islam and all of its barbarity worldwide will become instantly linked to right wing terrorism fueled by Christian extremes.

I can see it now, the lamebrains on the left...."See? See? Christian terrorism is just as bad!"

This man was a Christian as much as Adolf Hitler and Timothy McVeigh were Christians, though the names just mentioned are a favorite arguing point of the secular left when it comes to Christian vs. Muslim violence. (Look at history and you'll find both Hitler and McVeigh hated Christianity.)

Before we label this monster a Christian, give me some evidence he was a Christian. Did he yell, "Jesus is Great!" before he shot them like Mr. "Allahu Akbar!" Nidal Malik Hasan did before he mowed down our soldiers at Fort Hood? Did he read the teachings of Jesus, and base his actions on them? Did a Christian sermon motivate him to go out and murder people who did not believe? Where are the Christians waving bibles in the street cheering such madness?

So far, none of the above things have been reported. Just remember, he posted anti Islam and right wing extremist stuff on Christian message boards, therefore, this was a Christian terrorist attack!

Friday, July 22, 2011

UPDATED: Just another poop story to complete your day. You are welcome.

It seems like everyone has a poop story. Like my friend Handflapper whose hubby’s shitcapades resembles my own hubby’s, or DMTFace who knows her triggers and embraces them. WE ALL HAVE THEM and they are funny as hell to share. I enjoy a good poop story, really I do.

Lucky for me, I have two such stories. Coincidentally, as noted above, one just happens to resemble Flappy’s a little too eerily, so I’ll save that one for another day… but my second one just makes me giggle uncontrollably, and it’s one I have shared REPEATEDLY for 15 years.

Yup. 15 years. It was a long time ago. Doesn’t make the story any less hilarious to me, however.

Have I mentioned to you before that I am a twin?

(Male Readers: Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s a boy. Ruined that one for you didn’t I?)

Growing up we were pretty much enemies. In fact, we were so competitive with one another that there was an incident in the middle of the night where I was getting kicked out of the house by my parents and he was yelling “I get her stereo”. That’s love I tell ya. (I must add that while dramatic at the time, my parents and I have gotten over this incident.)

But I digress…

My twin wasn’t what you would call socially accepted. He tried, but the darn little guy just wouldn’t grow. I think he was 4’8 in Grade 10. He’s 6’1 now, but back then it sure was fun to traumatize him with his shortness. And his lazy eye. And his buck teeth. I could go on… but I have some compassion. Some. A little bit.

One day he was talking on the phone to a ‘buddy’ and was passing gas like a 50 yr old trucker who ate beans for a week. I just happened to be in the kitchen at the time, and made it pretty clear that I wouldn’t be eating for a week after having to smell the carnage coming from his ass. Quickly, he said good bye to his friend, put down the phone, turned, and ran his short little ass to the laundry room yelling “That was no fart….”

Curiosity got the best of me, and I followed him.

What I saw next is imprinted on my brain and will remain there for the rest of my life. First, because this story will forever be shared to anyone who will listen, but secondly because it was fucking awful.

My poor, socially unaccepted, short and buck toothed twin brother was sprawled helplessly on the laundry room floor with his pants down around his ankles… COVERED IN SHIT.

True Story.

His future wife will be told this story on their wedding night. Just to serve as a warning of course. And maybe so I can laugh about it one more time.

See? We're the Sedin Twins. Get it?
  UPDATE: So it appears I have more than two poop stories. I am not ashamed.


1. Kalau 5 th Kawin, Lngsung punya 4 Anak , , , itu
2. Kalau Sudah 5 th Kawin belum punya anak , , , itu
3. Kalau 5 th Pacaran Belum juga kawin , , , itu
4. Kalo kagak Pacaran tapi punya Anak , , , itu
Berarti KB = Kelanjur Bunting
5. KALO KAGAK PUNYA PACAR & ANAK ? ? hmmmmm , , , itu
KB Juga' = Kayaknya Banci deeh


jika harimu gelap, ambilah waktu untuk berdoa.
jika masih gelap, berdoa dan puasalah.
jika masih gelap juga, datangilah ibumu, menangis dan bersimpuhlah, peluklah ibu mu dan bisikan ditelinganya, "mak, bayar listrik napa, biar terang".

Kiamat 2012

DibEritahuKn kpD sLruh makhLuk diDunia bHw kiamaT 2012 dbtaLkn...
Ada sDikt ksLhan tekniS dLm prsiapAn kiamat trsbt... hal ini di karenakan neraka sdng dlm renovasi.,
kkurangan dana...
utk mmperluas wilayah,agr pd saat kiamat tdk trjdi kpdatan penduduk neraka...
mka dr it kiamat diundur pd thun 3012.,
panitia kiamat mint maaf yg sbesr2ny ats pmbatalan dadakan kiamat ini....
dan mhon d sebarkan kecalon penghuni neraka laen ny..
Trima kasih


Pembeli : Ada indomie bang ?
Penjual. : ada
Pembeli : rasa kari ayam berapa bang ?
Penjual. : 2000
Pembeli : kaldu ayam bang ?
Penjual : 1500 Pembeli : yang 500 ada bang ?
Penjual. : ada
Pembeli : rasa apa bang ?
Penjual. : TAI AYAM Pembeli : (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗̊--̩̩̩͡ ) :'(h€uk :'(h€uk:'(

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am pretty sure the local police officers think I am nuts and if they don't, they should

I had a pretty eventful lunch hour today and thought it best I blog about it before I completely forgot. Plus, I think it’s always nice to share with my readers when I do really fucking embarrassing things. Makes me real, no? Or dumb. Whichever.

I decided today to go to Safeway to buy a sandwich. Surprisingly they’re quite delicious. If you haven’t tried one yet, I encourage you to do so. My personal favorite is the Bistro Club. Just if the lady there suggests toasting your tomatoes, say no. She was/is quite pushy and pretty adamant that you should be toasting your tomatoes. In fact, she looked at me very sternly and said “I have converted about 90% of my customers to toasted tomatoes, so clearly you are weird”. OK, so she didn’t say the weird part, but I felt it in her gaze. Menacing I tell you.


While driving back to the office I took a different route back because I like to mix things up. Keeping it fresh, right? First mistake. I can see cop cars all the which way, and eventually, smoke. Lights are flashing, people are standing on the sidewalks (actually, someone even had a crib out at the bus stop with an actual kid in it. That’s weird, right? I thought so.) and there is just a general sense of pandemonium. I was clearly in a bad spot.

So naturally I panic right along with these strangers and pull over. I am pretty sure this is my daughter’s elementary school at this point and I was going to run into the building pushing and shoving my way to save her life. Naturally, right? LIKE NO BIG DEAL. No lie, I was breathing hard before I even got out of my vehicle.

So I approach (read: almost ran straight into) this really mean looking police office and managed to sputter out “Is the Elementary School on fire?” or something closely resembling. He looked confused but said that no, it was in fact a vacant house.

Relieved, I held my hand to my chest and said “Thank you! My daughter goes to that school!” He looked at me funny again, but I turned away and headed back to my truck. Cops are weird. I wasn’t concerned that he was looking at me that way. I mean, everything I just did was completely natural. COMPLETELY. NATURAL. For a crazy person.

So as I begin to maneuver around the crowds of pedestrians, I hit the next block. And stranding right in front of me is my daughter’s Elementary School. Yes folks, I wasn’t even close.

But it get’s better.


I think the funniest part of the story for me though is this: it took a friend of mine who I told this story to, to tell me that my daughter was in fact at daycare with her brother, and not at school.

I know exactly what you are thinking. I’m awesome. Clearly.

Spesial malem jumat

Spesial malem jumat Motivasi dari dunia lain:
1. Belajarlah dr kuntilanak , sesulit apapun hidup tp selalu tertawa
2. Belajarlah dr tuyul, msh kecil tp udah bs cari duit sendiri
3. Belajarlah dr pocong, dr dulu pakaiannya itu2 aja, hidup sederhana
4. Belajarlah dr babi ngepet, klo malem cuma pake lilin, hemat listrik =D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Versi Indomie lagi

Pengalaman'ku dengan indomie :
Aku beli Indomie
aku ditipu ama bungkusnya.. 
Gambar dibungkusnya ada telurnya,ada paha ayam,dsb.<3<3
Saat kubuka cuma ada mie & bumbu.. 3-|
Sejak di bohongin Indomie aku ga Lg beli Indomie 
ini ceritaku,apa ceritamu ???KaKaKaKKaK ™..

Cerita org gila lg jalan2

 Cerita org gila lg jalan2
.           apaan nih?
☁  /\

     '>  tai bukan yah?
☁  /\

    __     coba ahhh...
☁ /<<    pegang dulu dikit

          lembek2 gini?
   <|>     tapi, masa sih tai?
☁  /\      

  __   coba cium dulu deh...
☁/ <<  

         agak bau sih...
  <|>     tapi masa sih tai???
☁ /\       masih penasaran ah???

    __   coba ah colek dulu 
☁ /<<    rasain dikit...   

          tuh kan betul!!
    <|>   ternyata emang tai!!
☁   /\

    \ =D/   UNTUNG GA KE-INJEK!!
☁  /\

Dilihat pake bb baru nampak tu gambar nya...heheheheh


 "mama,tomorrow artinya apa sih?"
"kasih tau sekarang aja napa sih ma"
"iya,besok "
"kenapa harus besok?........bilang aja mama ga' tau kan!"

....hallahh........ malammm

Versi Cerita Indomie

Malam itu, ketika hujan turun sangat deras, petir dan kilat menyambar2, kegelapan pun tjd akibat listrik padam. Dan sialnya malam itu aku hrs tinggal sendirian di rumah. Malam itu tak akan pernah terlupakan sepanjang hidup ku. Saat itu kira2 jam 22.30 aku msh duduk terdiam di ruang tengah yg hanya ditemani cahaya lilin. Keheningan, kesunyian, kedinginan, kehampaan membuat suara2 itu sangat terdengar jelas oleh ku...jantung ku berdetak kencang, aku lemas dan gemetar..
Dengan terengah-engah ku beranikan diri ke dapur. Ku lihat sisi kiri dan kanan tidak ada sesuatu lalu mata ku tertuju ke lemari makan usang, dgn gemetar perlahan2 ku buka pintu lemari.. Dan...........
Ternyata masih ada 1bgks indomie rasa soto medan...leganya hatiku saat itu.... Dgn cpt indomie ku masak dan ku santap...hmmm...kenyangnya...aku pun tertidur pulas.....
Ini cerita ku...mana cerita mu?

10 Film yang Paling Banyak Dibajak

Seberat apapun hukuman yang dikenakan bagi para pembajak film, dan sekeras apapun berbagai pihak melarang pembajakan film, tindak kriminal ini tetap saja terjadi. Bahkan semakin tahun jumlahnya semakin banyak.
Entah karena tak mau mengeluarkan uang untuk membeli tiket bioskop, atau karena filmnya memang tak diputar di negaranya, atau bahkan dengan alasan ingin mengkoleksi tanpa harus membeli DVD asli, jutaan orang memilih menonton film bajakan (baik lewat DVD bajakan atau men-download secara ilegal) dengan kualitas alakadarnya dibanding mengeluarkan sedikit uang lebih dan menonton yang original.

Dan fenomena ini tak hanya terjadi di Indonesia. Analisis yang didapat dari beberapa situs

torrent yang bisa diakses dari berbagai penjuru dunia menunjukkan bahwa inilah sepuluh film yang paling banyak dibajak.


10. Twilight - 8,72 juta download

Setelah membeli semua buku Twilight Saga plus semua majalah yang menampilkan foto Robert Pattinson di sampulnya, para penggemar Twilight mungkin tak punya sisa uang untuk membeli DVD originalnya. Download menjadi salah satu pilihan saat mereka rindu pada Edward Cullen dan ingin menonton ulang.
9. Iron Man 2 - 8,8 juta download

Akting Robert Downey Jr sebagai Tony Stark di film ini dipuji banyak orang, dari mulai kritikus film hingga pecinta komik. Tak heran jika Iron Man 2 menjadi salah satu film yang paling banyak dibajak.

The Hangover

8. The Hangover - 9,18 juta

Saat The Hangover baru dirilis di bioskop, tak ada yang menyangka film ini akan meraih sukses sebesar ini. Hampir semua penonton berusia di bawah 35 tahun menyukai film komedi yang dibintangi Bradley Cooper ini. Saking sukanya, mereka mungkin memutuskan untuk men-download-nya untuk kemudian menontonnya bersama teman-teman satu geng.
7. Rock 'n' Rolla - 9,43 juta download

Tak seperti film lainnya di daftar ini yang pernah masuk daftar box office, Rock 'n' Rolla adalah film besutan Guy Ritchie yang sebenarnya kurang sukses di pasaran. Namun Guy Ritchie tetaplah seorang sutradara yang disuka banyak orang. Hanya saja penggemarnya mungkin tak ingin membuang uang di bioskop untuk menonton film yang mendapat banyak kritik ini. Maka download lah pilihannya.
6. Shutter Island - 9,5 juta download

Martin Scorsese sebagai sutradara dan Leonardo DiCaprio sebagai aktor utama biasanya memang jadi resep kesuksesan sebuah film. Shutter Island tak terkecuali. Sukses di box office, sukses pula jadi incaran download.
5. Inception - 9,7 juta download

Benar kan? Film yang dibintangi Leonardo DiCaprio selalu jadi favorit pecinta film (dan pen-download). Film yang dielu-elukan kritikus dan mendapat rating tinggi biasanya membuat orang ingin mengoleksi DVD-nya. Bagi sebagian orang, mengoleksi file-nya di laptop.

Megan Fox

4. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 10,6 juta download

Film ini laris dibajak, bukan saja karena para Autobots dan Decepticons yang keren-keren, tapi kami yakin juga berkat kemunculan Megan Fox. Kita liat saja apakah Rosie Huntington-Whiteley yang menggantikan Megan Fox bisa membuat Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon dibajak sebanyak ini.
3. Star Trek - 10,96 juta download

Film ini menempati posisi pertama dalam daftar film yang paling banyak dibajak di tahun 2009. Tahun berikutnya, posisinya turun, tapi ia masih berada di peringkat tiga besar.
2. Kick-Ass - 11,4 juta download

Dalam dunia film, Kick-Ass bisa disebut sebagai si kuda hitam. Sebelum dirilis, film superhero yang dibintangi sejumlah pendatang baru ini tak banyak dibicarakan orang, tapi begitu diputar, semua memuji. Bahkan film ini dianggap sebagai film cult yang wajib dikoleksi.


1. Avatar - 16,58 juta download

Salah satu film tersukses sepanjang masa ini juga menjadi film yang paling banyak dibajak sepanjang tahun. Entah kenapa begitu banyak orang yang ingin menonton film ini di layar komputer dengan kualitas rendah, padahal yang diagung-agungkan dari Avatar adalah visualnya yang canggih dan efek 3D-nya yang menakjubkan.
Film-film sukses lainnya yang tak ada di daftar 10 besar film terbanyak dibajak:

The Dark Knight: (7,03 juta), Harry Potter (7,93 juta), Transformers (569.259), Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End (379.749).

Sumber : klik di sini

Serious Post: Hard Questions

I am at a crossroads right now. And I hate it.

My Story is a rough one, but when you hear or read about other people’s trials and tribulations, everything just seems so trivial and meaningless, and somewhat selfish in comparison. Sure, dealing with a husband having seizures and subsequently having a brain tumor removed, and suffering through a sick child being hospitalized and even still, having to endure physical therapy with him can be mentally, emotionally, and physically taxing…


Every body is OK. We get up each morning and put our pants on one leg at a time. We breathe fresh air and drink cold water. My husband and I have jobs that support our lifestyle, and our children are happy, (finally) healthy, and there is love; gigantic, immeasurable love in our lives.

And you know what?

Sometimes it just isn’t enough.

Right now I am sitting here at my keyboard feeling like all my life decisions could or should have been different, but changing them is so terrifying that I can’t even fathom what they could even be.

It’s tough to really convey what I am trying to say right now without really diving into the story, but as much as my life is an open book here on my blog, there are just some things I choose to keep private. Not for my sake, because I am a firm believer that one must always be held accountable for their actions, to themselves and by others, but more-so for the sake of my loved ones because their respect and trust mean everything to me.

My journey has been riddled with ups, downs, and in bet-weens, but everything that has happened has been the result of decisions I HAVE made, not someone else. I understand that. So what does it take for me to make changes? What does it take for me to stand up and truly react based on my own convictions?

These are questions I have to ask myself. I still don’t have answers.

And I hate that.

Judul Skripsi

Tommy : Sistem Pakar Kerusakan Komputer
Anton : Tutorial Pembelajaran, berhubungan dengan elektronika
Edi : Sistem Pakar Kerusakan Printer
Caban : Simulasi ATM

Disuatu ketika berandai-andailah mereka, jika suatu ketika sedang sidang. Beginilah masalahnya :
Ketika Caban hendak ingin mempresentasikan Simulasi nya, tiba-tiba ada error terhadap program dan komputernya, lalu Dosen bertanya :"Ada apa yang terjadi caban...?" jawab Caban "Maaf pak ada error ne..!!!" saut Dosen : jadi bagaimana ?" Caban menjawab :"Saya akan panggilkan Tommy, kan dia bagian kerusakan komputer...
Datanglah Tommy,dia pun melakukan aksinya, ech entah kenapa terbakar,asap mengepul dari komputer,wah wah......
Serentak kami berkata,,,"Anton......"Ayo panggil Anton......agar dia perbaiki semua sparepart nya yang terbakar itu, terserah dia apakah mau disolder atau apalah. Beberapa saat kemudian selesai juga, dan kembali bisa dipake.

Akhirnya Caban melanjutkan simulasinya, dia melakukan transaksi penarikan uang, ternyata selesai menarik uang,...Caban hendak mengambil slip laporan transaki, entah kenapa...hasil cetakan slip nya tidak cerah...
Akhirnya bergegas lah Edy...dia dengan sigap menyelesaikan masalah pada cetakan slip tersebut. dengan tenang dia memperbaiki,dan akhirnya bisa.

Demikianlah keempat judul tersebut, saling membutuhkan...
HAHAhAH....g nyambung y...
NB : Suntuknya buat skripsi ne

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday's Shank - an Aging bitch

So today I have decided to dedicate my Monday Shank to ME. Ok, not me specifically, but my body because it’s aging and its pissing me the fuck off.

I have been more active in the last month than I have in the last year, and since I am no longer in my twenties, my body has decided that it’s going to teach me a lesson for it.  

That’s some fucked up shit ‘yo. 

I could whine about every little bitty pain I am feeling right now, but I think I would rather spare you all of that and just say MY WHOLE BODY HURTS AND I WANNA TAKE DRUGS.

The end.

So body, I shank you today for the seemingly unbearable (but we all know I don’t really have a choice but to bear it) pain that you are currently causing me. You make me cry. I hate crying. Therefore I hate you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My mission in Iraq makes headlines

I have mentioned in the past that my unit here in Iraq has undertaken a unique mission. Well you can now get a small glimpse of what we have been doing here on CNN...

U.S. hands over Saddam-era officials to Iraqis

I was here at Cropper for this transfer of inmates, and ultimately, authority back to the Iraqi government, and we dealt with these 206 inmates on a daily basis.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

So I speak Jupiterian. Apparently. Plus, I'm insecure. Probably

So now that I have all the blog design crap out of the way, I can finally get to writing something. Or, not writing something. Whichever. Seems I have a bit of a block.

Truthfully, I’ve been writing like a mad woman for the company blog (and no I will not be linking because I in no way want randoms from my work to somehow magically find this blog and dissect every F word) and am only finding inspirations in dull, grey, business-y type paragraphs and that really isn’t suited for Life Less Ordinary.

Plus, I’d like to keep some of my readership too. Probably. I kinda like the 2 ½ of you. I am only assuming I have a ½ reader somewhere since I am sure many of you like to sit and read blogs with your pets in your lap, right? That could be the half right there?

Like I said, only assuming. But for the sake of no arguments, I’ll compromise and say just the two of you. I’d like you to keep coming back.

Actually, by not writing something I am doing you a favor, right? Because like I said, I have a bit of a blockage going on in the writing department. Well, not-so-much-in-the-dull category you see, but in actual so-funny-it-makes-you-want-to-pee way.

And once again, I realize I may be pushing it here – when I have ever been so funny-it-makes-you-want-to-pee? Probably never, but maybe once? So I’ll compromise and say I can be mildly funny and every so often get a little snicker out of the two of you.

So let’s recap shall we?

I definitely have a blockage, and not the type of blockage that you can take an over the counter medication for.

I have decided to gift my trazillion* readers (with our without pets) by not posting something all business-y thus boring them into never coming back

I have wasted way too much time writing drivel no one is going to read anyways. But hey, my blog is pretty!

(Which leads me to ask YOU for a favor. I HATE THE TITLE FONT and want something way prettier but messing with html is kinda like asking me to eat a flip flop: not going to happen. Think any of you could design something stupidly awesome and I will pay you back with thoughts of love?)

That about sum it up?

*Trazillion: Jupiterian for 2 1/2

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ok, So I am doing it again....SUE ME

Y'all know I don't have a lot of luck with Blog Templates. Firstly, I get bored. But secondly, it's because I also don't pay much attention when I load them and like weeks later I realize something is missing, broken, or just plain not working and probably never did.

I really liked my last look.

Unfortunately, it didn't like me.

I couldnt get my twitter and facebook links to work, and even still the commenting was a little warbled. I can promise you though that I did exactly what I always do with this new one too... I havent fully checked if it all works.

But for now, I don't have the time to go look, so that will happen tomorrow.

And maybe this damn site will change again.

Who knows.


Lae Togar menemui dokter spesialis kelamin untuk berkonsultasi soal masalahnya. "Dok Saya punya masalah, tapi dokter harus janji dulu untuk tidak tertawa yah ?" Tenang Saya janji tidak akan tertawa. Itu melanggar sumpah kedokteranku!".
Lae Togar langsung menurunkan celananya, burungnya ternyata kecil sekali, mungkin diameternya hanya sebesar pensil 2B.
Melihat Barang yang hanya seadanya itu, dokter tak kuat menahan tawanya, dia tertawa terpingkal-terpingkal, sampai berguling-guling di lantai.
Kira-kira lima menit, baru dia dapat mengendalikan emosinya,. "Maaf Mas..Hhhh.....hhh.....Saya kelepasan. Saya janji tidak akan tertawa lagi. Nah, sekarang masalah Saudara apa ?" kata dokter berjuang keras menyembunyikan sisa tawanya.
"Janji ya Dok, dokter tidak akan tertawa lagi, " pinta lae Togar.
Karena merasa sudah mengingkari janji pada pasiennya, sang Dokter kembali berjanji di depan lae Togar,"Baiklah saya tidak akan tertawa, kalau tertawa kamu boleh pukul saya!"
Setelah Dokter berjanji, lae Togar mulai ngomong dengan nada sedih:"Begini Dok, Burung saya sudah tiga hari ini bengkak kayak begini.....!"
Dokter : "wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkw"hahahahahahaah"ihihihihihiihih


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Orang Hebat

Orang yg HEBAT tdk dihasilkan melalui
Mrka d bentuk mlaluiKesukaran,TantanGan,Serta
Ktika engkau mengalami sesuatu yg sngat brat..dan mrsa d tngglkn sndri dlm hdup ini..

Angkat lh tangan dan kplamu k atas.Kepal kn tangan smbil mengatakan :


Hahahahahahaa...:D :D* Mt m'jlni hr.. ;) ;D

Delayed Monday Shank - Someone in government has WAY too much power

This here folks is a giant monument of Raspberries. The picture quality sucks because I was 'technically' driving at the same time I took it with my phone. And apparently that's frowned upon so I had to do it quickly and inconspicuously.

I wish I was joking.

Some time last week someone erected this monstrosity and called it ‘art’ in the new round-a-bout by my office. I am all for beautifying, but this is slightly ridiculous don't you think?! Not only is it CLEARLY a misrepresentation of raspberries (c’mon, everyone knows raspberry bushes have thorns) but it is also INSANELY large; thus resulting in numerous fender benders from drivers gaping at it in disbelief

While no fender benders have been reported yet, I am sure they're coming soon. I nearly collided with the curb on day one.That may or may not have been because I  was struggling to take a picture, but whatever.

So today’s (yesterday’s) Monday Shank is reserved for the douchecanoe in government who decided that this ‘art’ was a valuable use of our taxpayer’s dollars. Firstly, it isn’t. Secondly, it’s ugly. End.Of.Story. 

Are there any monstrosities in your part of the world that’s been passed off as art?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Update from Iraq

I am 4 months into the deployment here and taking things one day at a time! It's difficult at times being here, but I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends showing their constant support. I tell myself everyday, "it could be worse".

I am currently working as a medic in Baghdad at an unspecified location on Victory Base Complex where I have the privilege and honor of partaking in a very unique mission, one that has given me a lot of knowledge about our enemy, at the same time cementing my firm belief in American exceptionalism.

Everything is different here, from the weather to the terrain to the smell and everything in between. Sometimes it is like being on another planet. Green is a color you do not see very often. Even the smell of trees and the touch of grass is something I miss, and something I look forward to when I come home. I have come into contact with many nationalities- Kuwaitees, Iraqis, Indians, Nepalese, Sri Lankans. The third party nationals who do contracting work here are extremely respectful and kind to American troops. I make sure I show them just as much respect and they show me!

Attacks here have become more frequent unfortunately. You might have already heard, but last month was the deadliest month here since 2008, and July doesn't look too much better. Casualties seem to be a weekly, if not daily, thing here. I have a firm belief Iraq has become the next "forgotten war" but will all soon change towards the end of this year. Al Sadr and other Shite militia groups have vowed unrelenting attacks on US troops here if we do not stick with our December 31st deadline. Now that our government has pledged 8,500 to 10,000 troops to stay past the deadline, I can only see this getting worse.

There are few extracurricular activities here. I am so thankful to have a gym at my disposal for free and that is where I spend most of my free time, as well as a small outdoor basketball court right outside my barracks. There are bootleg DVD shops all over the place here where you can buy horrible quality DVDs for a dollar. There is also a very nice "getaway area" here on VBC where troops can go to relax, which is located inside one of Saddam Hussein's old palaces! Inside there is a movie theater, video game room, and a gym overlooking a lake. Outside is a very nice pool.

Speaking of Saddam Hussein's palaces, I had the opportunity to take a tour of one of them. What an experience that was. It gives you chills some of the things he did. To name a few...he had a special palace built to house all of his concubines, against their will. Almost like a rape prison. Had an in ground pool with no water in it where he kept prisoners to torture them. I could see a spot where a man was chained to the metal ladder on the side of the pool getting his head drilled with an electric drill. His brain matter was still visible, caked on the tiles. He had special brick wall built up to keep construction workers out of his living quarters during construction of one of the palaces. He was always paranoid one of them would assassinate him. After construction they would be ordered to tear it down. I also saw the room where Dan Rather interviewed him, his conference room where he held meetings with his Baathist government, as well as the bombed out Baath party movie theater, which got blown to bits by an American tomahawk missile while 100+ Baathist officials were inside watching Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman'! None survived.

Above all, I am happy to be here! It is a unique time in history, and I am taking part in a very unique mission. I get to see the transfer of authority from us to the soldiers of Iraq first hand. It is still somewhat of an eerie feeling seeing Apache helicopters and uparmored humvees with Iraqi flags on them. But they are our ally now, and many American soldiers died for this. I thank each and every one of you on here for your support and your patriotism! It is refreshing and encouraging.

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