Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mid Month Blues

In less than 10 days I am going to be 30, for the 7th time and although I don't feel (or look) my age, its starting to get me down that I am hitting "middle age." At 37 I thought that I would be far more accomplished than I am now. I thought that I would be running my own creative services department at one of the many magazines I have worked for. I thought I would be back to my pre-baby weight of 118. And as I get older (and older) the thought of chasing down brands or pieces is actually starting to make me feel just a tiny bit sad.

Today, a friend emailed me about a grey gardens sylvestre size 4 that her friend was selling. She wanted $400 (which I SWEAR is way more than that dress retailed for). I said no. I barely wear my madcap sylvestre and $400? That's coffee, groceries, medical bills, money to save towards furniture if we buy a condo. Part of me wonders if people just think I am a sucker - oh "Marti loves mayle, she will pay anything." Of course I appreciate said friend offering to me first, so I hope that she doesn't take offence and continues to do so, eventually something will pop up that I want and can afford. I am just in a shitty mood today and want to vent. Obviously she isn't the one setting the prices.

And I have thought that the prices people are asking lately have been insane. Like I said on flickr when the poster "UGotMayle" talked about how things for going for so much so she should sell her collection - of which there are a few things I would definitely buy - of course you want to make the most you can off an item but it really cheapens the transaction when it turns into something gross. I remember selling my Vilna top for $250 - I could have ebayed it and made double that, but I wanted it to go to someone who would love it and who loves mayle. To me it wasn't about my profit - as I took a loss selling it.

I think as I turn 30 (for the 7th time) I will need to strive to get my priorities in order. Its funny how in New York you can be Peter Pan forever but once you move out you really have to grow up quickly.

That said I will still be on the lookout for my wish list items, but will definitely be prioritizing.

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