Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oops, my bad

yup, I had to come back to this.

So last night as I was sitting up in bed icing my FUCKING hamstring (note bitterness? Not going to hide it, I am fucking pissed I injured myself again) and surfing the TV Guide on Channel 2 when I noticed that our favorite show "The Bachelorette" was on, and it was the Men Tell All episode.

No lie, I actually got excited.

Totally tickles my ...errrrr... tickle bone to watch these ones, ESPECIALLY on the Bachelorette (as opposed to the Bachelor) because the men are just plain retarded. I find myself giggling uncontrollably at how utterly embarrassing it must be for them... and yet, they still maintain their alpha male stance and poses with bright pink circles on their cheeks.

Last night was no exception.

For those of you that watched, you know exactly what I am talking about. Jillian was nervous, THAT was clear from her rushed speech and shaky voice, but she held her own very well. I was a little disappointed that she let douche-bag Dave off so easy, but I can understand it probably wasn't easy for her to call him out for being a douche-bag on national TV. I talk big, but I might not have been able to do it either.

The funniest moment of the whole night? When one of the random dudes who looks like everyone else stands up and tells Jake (Mr. Perfect, although he makes me barf) that he pulled a Meznick.

*Meznick (adj?): Meaning, standing on a balcony crying like a little girl. /end*

AND THEN, they play the footage later in the episode.

Almost peed my pants.

And for those of you new to my blog (oh, that makes me laugh, no one reads this shit lol) Meznick is the douche-bag from the Bachelor. Seriously, and I mean SERIOUSLY he is sooooo funny to watch. Cheese, Cheese, and more cheese.

In short: Douche.

Him and his pseudo-fiance with a large zit covered on her chin were also on the show last night. They whined a bit about press-coverage yadda yadda yadda, defended their relationship by pointing out how happy the actual proposee is now yadda yadda yadda... and yeah, I pretty much lost interest in that segment...

Yeah - so my recap is probably just as boring as the episode was... but I enjoyed it regardless. It kept me up late enough to be tired as fuck to day too.

Oh, and as a side note: Guess what opened my car door this morning when I locked my keys in the car at the gas station? You'll never guess. A dime. Yup, A FUCKING DIME.

I hate you KIA.

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