Friday, July 10, 2009

Bad News, Full Moon, What Else Can Happen?

I had been playing phone tag with one of my mom friends (she lives in my bilding but we don't talk that often). She and her husband moved to Portland a few days after we did, her husband has worked for the same company that my husband works for for 10+ years.

She is pretty clean living (occasional glass of wine), goes to yoga, eats VERY healthy, is a practicing Catholic. Maybe weighs 110 max and she is a year older than I am. She called me this morning and I almost didn't answer the phone because I was getting in the shower and Max and I were late to go to playgroup. I am glad that I did. As it turns out, this new friend and neighbor just found out that she has Lukemia. Its treatable and she is in the hospital having chemo already . This made me so sad. She is a mom to two young boys (7 and 3) and essentially a super mom. She does everything for the boys (ad they are super well behaved). Hearing this made me really depressed. It reminds me that your mortality can be snatched from you at any second. How could someone with no cancer in their family, an organic eater, a fit person have something like this happen?

And especially to a NICE person......

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