Friday, November 13, 2009

Louisiana Renaissance Festival

When you attend a "Renaissance Festival"...first thing you need to realize is that "PEOPLE like to dress up at these things."
So prepare for that. It can be a good thing or a bad thing. HA!

Next you can expect to be "hit on" by men in tights and odd outfits. This one was "supposed" to be a "French Noble Man."

Finally I said...."Okay...I'll take a photo with you" which time I asked him once I heard his strong accent which sounded much like one cartoon skunk AKA "Pepe Lepeu" .."are you supposed to be FRENCH??"
He said...."Oui" and I replied...."Sir, we don't like the French."
He then said to me...."Why, I took a bath today?" Hummm....I had to laugh. I asked him .."why didn't he just use a ton of French perfume like they normally did??"

I know, I know...this is LOUISIANA...but this was a pretty much BRITISH type Renaissance Festival. Or so I presumed. I found out later...that wasn't the case.

Then there is also every kind of "Renaissance" looking/acting person there that you can imagine there...This was a sweet little couple...with a huge horse. This young lady and her partner were making "crocheted hats" out of actual hair from her long haired rabbits.

People walk about eating those huge "Turkey drumsticks" like Henry the VIII or something...check out this guy dressed like a THREE Musketeer (not the candy bar) eating one over a trash can. Lovely.

"Jousting" is a typical event at these Fairs...

Here we have a "Zena Warrior Princess and her friend a Wench of some sort"
More Men in tights...tight tights....
And now...I have saved the best for last.

Mel Gibson!!!
Whoops...I mean "William Wallace".....I mean "Brave heart" oh...whoever he was...HE WAS A CUTIE!
I was too embarrassed to ask him for his photo so I sent my friend Marsha's pregnant daughter-in-law to do my dirty work and take his photo and then she yelled over at me and said....
"Hey Ms. Joyce, you better come take this picture because I'm GETTING IN IT WITH HIM!!"Smart Lass...I wish I'd gotten in it too.... Ugh.

Loved his kilt.
I am all about the kilts.

More photos AND Kilts... next time.

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