Sunday, November 15, 2009

As Close To New Mayle As I Will Get

Day 15 of my outfit challenge. I paired the black silk and lace Federica from spring 07 with my favorite cardigan from spring 05 (the pink and black stripped one), dark gray tights and my 3-strap Mary Jane's (it rained today). After lounging around the house for most of the morning, we had a quick lunch at home and then drove out to Costco in Beaverton for some bulk items we needed like Special K, Carr's crackers, my favorite French cheese, paper for the wireless printer (Jon finally set up yesterday), the new In Style (which I swear I subscribed to) and a few other things.

I had not been to Costco since the beginning of October when I was surprised that they already had out holiday decorations for Christmas. The store was a cornucopia of holiday stuff from tins of peppermint bark, truffles and cookies, to extra large rolls of wrapping paper, wreaths, Christmas trees and some surprising items like Bliss products in special sets, Marc Jacobs perfume (the large bottle that's normally $80 for $45).

I often cruise the book and magazine section. Today I saw the newly released Peter Mayle book "The Vintage Caper." When I saw it I felt a little twinge. I sort of wanted it - it WAS a Mayle item, just not one that I would treasure and definitely produced the wrong "Mayle." Part of me thought, "this is the closest I will ever get to anything Mayle again, that's new" but I knew I was just being ridiculous.

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