Friday, May 15, 2009

This IS How We Roll in South Louisiana......

My "Mother's Day" feast....Baton Rouge style.

For Mother's Day...for Father's Day, for Easter, for MANY holidays or "family gatherings" we often celebrate such events in South Louisiana by doing this.......

We have "Crawfish Boils!!!"

"This one wants OUT"...."Somebody is trying to make a BREAK for it....."

Gabe "purging" the pour SALT and water all over the live crawfish before you boil them.
So they will "throw up"'s gross and cruel I know.

But they are about to be BOILED alive which is even crueler.....AND you want all the "crud" out of them before you eat them.
Sick I know.
But I am used to the "food" customs of Louisiana...even though I'm from the NORTH. HA~!.

Mallory, Gabe's girlfriend and Don in the background, prepping the burner and the crawfish.

Finally after awhile of cooking over the burner.....

The finished product....

Luke and Gabe making getting ready to pull the pot out of the steaming seasoned water and dump on the table.

Then you dump the whole pot all over the newspaper that is spread out on a table......
Gabe and Joshua cutting the bag that holds the onions, corn on the cob, red potatos and mushrooms......weird I know but it tastes great. We also put sausage in to boil with our crawfish.
Then it's every man and woman for themselves!

Gabe, Kolin, Caleb and Joyce
Then we just "relax" as a family and laugh.

Ariel and her boyfriend Joshua.....
Gabe and Mallory......
Me, taking a "butterfly bandage" to my husband who cut his finger open. UGH!

"Kolin, Caleb's girlfriend and Luke"

There were even flowers later on from Miss Priss.....and a sweet note.
Notice the name on the envelope.......I told you in the South the girls especially call you "Mama".... Although she spelled Mama sort of weird....but honestly.....I didn't care HOW she spelled it. HA!
Her letter made me cry.....

My little girl is all GROWN UP....UGH! This has been SO hard on me lately and I am not sure why.... but I am "adjusting."
Sort of. HA!

The beautfil White Roses were from my sweet husband.....
I have to tell Mother's Day was great.

All I even wanted was to just have my kids all together....which is probably what most Mama's want on this day.

I had that happen and MORE.

I AM soooooo BLESSED......!!!

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