Wednesday, May 27, 2009


You know when you just need to SCREAM, but can't. Well that's # 9 on the list of Reasons I Have a Blog. I vent, I call-out, I shout-out (so lame), I poke some fun, I ramble like a tool, but I also like to just scream on this here blog.

Never really fixes my problems... but hey, carte blanche I say.

If I sat down and actually wrote down all the fucking things I need to make lemonade out of... fuck, it would take a while. So let's scratch out the recent blog post about me being positive for just a second, because even being semi-positive is a struggle right now. Angry sex anyone? I actually want to break something.

OK, maybe not break something, that might fuck up my chances of angry is a general opinion that when men hear "I want to break something" they double over, cup their junk, and run in the opposite direction. Totally interferes in me getting some. Totally.

So um yeah... about the screaming part... I'll wait for a more appropriate time for that *wink*.

In all seriousness though... things are messed up. Too much really. Most unmentionable. Just fucked up. My lemonade making skills are lost in oblivion and the bathtub and Merlot are looking more and more desirable as a BFF. What's better than a daily ritual of a drunk-ass soak? (Other than angry sex but we already determined that).

See, I already feel better!

I think it might be time for the sexy pants too... I mean let's be honest, angry sex = some serious sexy pant usage.

AND GUESS WHAT? In all this shitty as talk about screaming, angry sex, breaking something, and my lemonade-making skills... I actually have good news. Shocking.

Diving into a new project at work that's quite exciting. May sound silly to some of you so I wont post it to save the ridicule...but I will mention being the Chair(wo)man of the Social Committee has some serious perks! When all the plans are in place I'll post a rambling about it... and may even ask for some input... but until then my lips are sealed.

Well sealed until angry sex, I need my mouth for that.

Happy Hump Day fuckers... now go get humped. (Preferably in a tub with merlot. Try it.)

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