Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ode to confusion

I have this problem.

It's called looking into things too much, questioning them, coming to conclusions, changing my conclusions, thinking the worst, thinking the best, switching my opinion, and then wallowing in a mass of confusion. Not necessarily in that order.

This is a personality flaw. I know this.

I don't think it's really a problem to fully dissect something; to look at it from every direction, trying to see another person's viewpoint in order to react appropriately to any given situation. In fact, I think this is the RIGHT way to do things to eliminate the probability of over reacting. Another one of my personality flaws.

So yeah - looks like I fit on either side of the spectrum. Middle ground is obviously not in my genetic makeup. Damn you Mom!

In some ways I am like a guy: Tell it to me straight so I understand. Beating around the bush and dropping subtle hints just don't really work. And you know why?


I'll take that subtle hint and come up with 9 different ways to interpret it, then sit around wallowing in confusion because I have zero idea which interpretation is the right one. Fuck, it's like I have 9 different personalities each with different viewpoints and I don't know which one is the more mature one (read: appropriate).

They say 'go with your gut'... unfortunately my gut tells me to get a cheeseburger (and an alcoholic beverage), so that theory is thrown out the window almost immediately.

I would just like to say that for the first time, writing a blog post has NOT made any sense out of anything... usually I write here to share something funny, or to vent, and I feel zillions time more clear when I do...but today, I haven't helped myself AT ALL.

Something is telling me a cheeseburger and a beer is in my near future...

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