Saturday, January 19, 2008

My good friend Chantelle,

Me holding the baby and Chantelle on the right.

One of our family's "GOOD" friends came into town this week from Birmingham.

Chantelle was a girl of 18 when God brought her into our lives.

We all went to the same church and knew each other from there. There were many young girls her age there at that time and they really needed people in their lives. Especially older women. I was a "younger" older woman then. HA!

But it was that "Titus 2-3" thing really and it worked out good for us all. Now we have a long lasting relationship that spans time and state lines.

Miss Priss was just a new born when Chantelle called and asked me "could she come over and talk to me." She felt as if the Lord had impressed on her to be a part of our lives and that we had things we could teach her.
She was a pre-school teacher at our church's day care at the time and ended up working there for many years.

So my husband and I became "mentors" to her and she became like a "sister" to us, and an Aunt to our children.

She was a big help to us in our lives with our kids and would babysit them while we went to events or away on missions trips, just whatever.

She's all grown up and moved away and married now and has a new baby of her own!
I can't believe how the time has flown by.I can still see Chantelle rocking "Miss Priss" in our big ol'lazy boy chair.

We used to watch every romantic movie there was and we LOVED "Anne of Green Gables" and we used to wear hats for fun and we used to go to tea all the time.

WE loved shopping together and doing crafts. She was an avid reader like I was.
We loved going to Hallmark and reading the cards and laughing until we nearly wet our pants. We used to go to St. Francisville and shop, well, none of us had any money back then, we mainly "window shopped".....going to Zachary at Christmas time and cut our own Christmas trees down.

We have so many wonderful memories together.

Chantelle says she has a very BAD habit of calling her "Miss Priss's" real name. Can you imagine that! HA!
Here we are at a "Greek" restaurant.

I myself was a "stay at home" Mom for nearly 19 years. Chantelle now has to go back to work and is concerned about where to place her baby for childcare. I wish we all lived closer and I could help her out.

Mom's today have a hard time staying home with their babies because things are so expensive and it is VERY hard to live on one income any more.

I totally understand how the economy is now days with gas being so high and groceries being expensive. I don't know how we ever did it financially except for the GRACE of God along the way through the years.I pray she finds a proper place for this baby to go to for daycare and they will love her and teach her good things like we were all taught and passed onto others.

It's a good thing when we let people into our lives.
I really MISS Chantelle.....and being near her little family.

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