Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How's your "Global Footprint?"

This is our recycle bin just one day shy of being picked up for collection.

Is it just us or does your recycle bin overflow with empty cartons and containers like ours does?

I went out this morning to dump more items collected from the night before to put into our recycle bin and it's FULL and we still have one day left to go. Ugh!

Personally we do what we can to help out and it's no small matter to recycle. You can't just pitch it in there.
They have "rules" in our city for recycling such as, "no pizza boxes" and "you must rinse all bottles and cans out" and "all labels must be taken off of all bottles and cans" and other odd things like that.
YIKES! A bit picky aren't they?

So we do those things and we try to collect all the recycleable items we can and put them in this very large bin that our city provides for each home..instead of putting them in the trash.

Now I'm not obsessive about this but we do our best.

As you can tell by the photo, we are doing a pretty good job about this. .

Although my kids drive me batty because they don't seem to care about it as much as my husband and I do and I always find them throwing stuff that can be recycled in the trash. Then I have to dig it out and dispose of it in the recycle bin. It makes me crazy that they don't seem to have any concerns about it either.

My Cousin in Missouri mentioned on her blog the other day how she had just purchased some "Cloth grocery bags" so that she could do her part in "erasing her enviromental footprint." HA!

I cracked up reading about that because.......I TOO have those "Green" cloth bags myself store and some other special "heavy duty reusable plastic store bags" from England to use in the grocery stores to help conserve...all tucked safely away in...

And sadly......I usually FORGET to even take them in the store with me.
Ugh....I have got to get better at that this year.
Yes, that's my truck in the background.

Ummm....I've tried "erasing my global footprint" and I find that I leave huge tire treads instead.

We drive trucks here though.
I mean.....we have four of them in our family now.
It's crazy I know but it's Louisiana. And I live in the "big city," we aren't in a rual area.

Well, I say if I can't drive a Jaguar I might as well drive a truck. HA!

Honestly husband and I DO
"Worship the Creator more than the Creation"......
BUT we are trying to help do our part to "conserve" as well.

The truck may go this is a bit too "beefy" for me my husband says. Although it's very comfortable and easy for me to drive considering some of the health things I deal with.

I'm sort of interested in a "Hybred SUV."
What do you all think??

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