Wednesday, January 30, 2008

About me and "Writing"....and photos of my Middle son.

I did some calculating and counting on my fingers....and figured out last night that we have "family members" in "EIGHT states" and "friends" in just as many.

This isn't counting the friends we have and stay in touch with "World Wide" this is one MAIN reason "why I blog."

The second reason is well, because I have a love for "Writing" and I've always done that as well all my life.

As a child even, I always wrote my Grandparents in Missouri once my Mother and Stepfather moved to Iowa. I wanted them to know I loved them and was thinking of them. I didn't want to loose touch with them.

Later after my Grandparent's died (my Father's parents)and we were going through things in their home....we found a this amazing drawer AND a box FULL of letters....and they were allfrom me.

Stashed away since I was EIGHT years old only for me to "find" years later. I had never known she'd even done it.

My Grandmother had KEPT THEM ALL. She was so unwasteful and kept alot of things so.....that shouldn't have surprised me but that was such a interesting "find" to all of us. And so sweet of her.

Blogging is actually a "Godsend" in many ways for a person like me because I am able to use this form of communication to fulfill both my gifts.

This is one of the best ways I have found to stay "connected" to those we love and miss and want to stay in touch with.

And it's fast.

I mean you can get immediate attention to your cause or in when people are in need of prayer and such. Or you need to raise "awareness" to an issue.

I love that part.

Now, I don't just write on my blog nor via e-mail. I am a FIRM believer in the "Handwritten" letter and notes, and such.

I myself STILL write many letters and cards that way. I think it's becoming a lost and dying "Art" form unto itself now days.....But I don't mind using modern ways to stay in touch as well, especially for long distance and saving of time AND if someone won't do the other but WILL send an
e-mail or will call me. I'm all for it.

Besides....most any and all means of "staying in touch" is good. Especially compared to where "communication" has come from compared to now..say....
"The Pony Express Days."ugh....can you imagine it taking so long for a letter to reach you or a loved one?

Please consider not giving up on sending "personal" handwritten notes and letters if you can.
I think it's speical to the person who sends it as well as the person who recieves it.

I always love to hear back from everyone as in any form.

However, some people are not "Communicators" or "Writers" and I never get bothered by that because I TOTALLY understand people's....."giftings and talents" and's not in their "gift mix."
So who can get upset about that? Surely not I.
Got to run for now.....

Please...."Stay in touch you all...if you can!" :-)

Here are some recent photos of Caleb......and his new friend.
Caleb and Phoebe at her "Winter Formal." Last weekend.

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