Friday, January 25, 2008

Brrrr.......nasty weather.

Check out the nasty storm we've been getting. We had a terrible "thunderstorm with lightening" for about two hours this evening with pounding rain. Even in the wintertime we get thunder and lightening. Odd isn't it?

I can't get warm tonight. It's been sooooo WET, cold and windy, all day long.

I had a cup of tea to try to "warm" me up a bit when I got in this evening but I still have a chill. I think it's time to get UNDER the covers.
That might work.

I called my sister in the Midwest a little bit ago.....where it's probably "SUB ZERO" right now.
I told her I was FREEEEEEZING and she said....."right...what is the 40's there?" To which I said...."YES!!!

How many times must I tell her that being in the "40's" is COLD to us on the
Gulf Coast.'s actually not in the "40's"'s currently..."40 degrees but it feels like 33 degrees" I reported to her. :~)

I was tired and laying on the couch waiting for my husband to get home when I turned the TV channel onto "QVC" and they had that lady from the "Quacker Factory" on.

My sister and I always call each other one another whenever we see her on TV that and joke and tease that "we are going to be like her possibly one day and wear those funky headbands that she wears" I think that is her trademark.

I'm not sure I don't know her story. I only know that those crazy headbands make me and my sister SMILE :~)I've never bought any of her clothing before but they were showing a cute "Rhinestone Jean Jacket" on in Pink that I thought was cute.

I called Jenny to tell her that the lady was on and about the jacket and that I was freezing.....but she was at a very nice "Chinese Restaurant" in Omaha eating supper with my nephew, her youngest son.

I said..."what are you people CRAZY?" Because I can't imagine being out in the cold and at night when the sun is down and it's even colder.
I can't even believe I used to live up there.....brrrrrrrr!

So she missed the entire "Quacker Factory" presentation....and the headbands.
Oh well....."her loss."

She did however get to enjoy a lovely date with her youngest son.
That was way worth it. Even in the "frozen" North.

I bought all the things I needed to make a lovely "Gumbo"....but I was too tired to make it tonight so that will be the "menu" for tomorrow.

That should knock out the chill....hopefully.

The "Weather" people here say it's going to be in the "60's" wonder we all have colds and the sniffels.

Hot one day, cold the next. Pick a lane please.

Oh and I feel bad for the people where that "white stuff" is hitting on the weather map....stay indoors people...for "my sake."

I am SUCH a cold weather WEENIE now that I've lived here in the South.

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