Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"Watched any GOOD books lately?"

While reading the "Country Roads" a locally published magazine in our area I saw not one but TWO ads (one was even a FULL page ad) for the upcoming and newly filmed....."The Complete Jane Austen Series" that is about to be broadcast on PBS this Sunday night at 8:00pm on "Masterpiece Theatre."

I LOVE Masterpiece Theatre and watch it every week so I am very excited about this new series. Plus I like Jane Austen's works.

Also.....in case you haven't noticed it....ANYTHING relating to "Jane Austen" is very HOT right now.

Another exciting thing is that Masterpiece Theater is now going to have a new "hostess" and it is....."Gillian Anderson" who gained her fame from appearing in "The X-Files." Which I never watched.
However to me....she will be known as "Lady Deadlock" the part in which she played in Charles Dickens "Bleak House" last year on PBS.
That series was FABULOUS and Ms. Anderson did a fantastic job as the very sad,
"Lady Deadlock" who had been hiding a terrible secret throughout her life.

I personally am very happy that Gillian is now the new "hostess" of Masterpiece Theater and I think she will be most fitting for this post.

Mark your calenders!!! You won't want to miss this.
By the way......there is a "test" you can take at the bottom left hand side of this blog that will tell you "Which Jane Austen Heroine" you are. Please feel free to not only take it but copy it to your own site as well if you wish.

I took it twice and it keeps telling me that I am "Anne Elliot" so since I haven't any ideal about this "Anne," having never read the book she is featured in called "Persuasion".....I am excited to see that "Persuasion" is the first show to be broadcast in this new series.

Then I will see what "Anne Elliot" is all about and IF indeed I am anything like her. Hummmm......

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