Saturday, February 24, 2007

A weekend post? WTF?

yup, I am posting on a Saturday. Who knew.

I have had some time to do a little bit of reflecting about all the shitty things that have happened to me this year....yup, it's all about me...and while I haven't really come to any conclusions about HOW everything is going to work out, I have come to the conclusion that I am going to MAKE it all work out. Make sense?

2006 is not going to be a year I forget, but more like a year I can attribute to my strength. I went through something extremely personal at the beginning of the year I may never fully recover from, at the same time I almost lost my twin brother. And only weeks after all that, I lost my first of two jobs. I honestly felt that I would not get through all of it. Do terrible things come in three's? They do to me! E's first lay-off came next, and then his second, shortly followed by my knee surgery and my Dad's sudden brain illness. I felt as though nothing more could possibly happen to us.

Now, two months into 2007 I have made the decision to STOP being a victim, and start making things HAPPEN! Good things, positive things, helpful things. And I can do it. Cause I don't quit. If 2006 has taught me anything, it has taught me that I am a fighter, that I don't give up, and that if I can survive all that without crumbling, there is nothing that I can't handle.

To those that have helped me along the way, I thank you. You all know who you are. Those special people that some days had an open year, other days had a voice to offer advice, and other days to bring me wine and wings when I have cried my eyes out. Those who keep their phone ringer on in case I needed them, who lent me their car and learned stick shift to drive mine. Those special people that have taken Sadie overnight to give us alone time, or have come over just to gab, drink, and smoke.... for no reason at all. And all of you who have written comments on here to motivate, pick me up, and make me feel special.

I couldn't have done all of this without you.

And I love you now that your all crying....

Who wants to get shit faced ;)

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