Friday, February 2, 2007

...From the mouth of a babe...

...or fingers... or whatever. A little snippet from my anonymous friend JM *wink*.

Now this is love. What is most amazing about this story is not that a 65 year old woman saved her 70 year old husband from being eaten by a mountain lion (!), but that the couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next month. By my numbers, that means they got married when he was 20 and she was 15. It could be argued that, presuming they dated before they were married, they’ve spent their entire emotionally and psychologically developed lives together. Holy fucking crap. My question: And she still wanted to save him from a mountain lion? I could see if they were on their honeymoon and still full of love, but after 50 years, I wouldn’t blame if she just watched the mountain lion going to town and said, "Eh, we had a good run." Hell, I can only date a girl for about two months before I stop opening doors for her or buying her surprise presents or kissing her before commencing intercourse. And she’s beating away a mountain lion with a four inch log (which, as any of my ex’s can tell you, is not very long)? I guess true love does exist. (And four inches is fine. Just fine. Have another drink and you won’t feel anything anyway, you judger, you.)


I can easily argue that this man is probably the funniest 'writer' (I say that because I have not met him and dont want to say he is funny in PERSON without any evidence. You know, protecting myself and shit). We talked back and forth on myspace a few times, then he got all weird and asked me to remove his monthly newspaper from my blog ( it WAS funny! hmmmph) and I never responded cause I am a chicken shit. But I Digress.... every so often I will probably post some snippets from his blog because it keeps me entertained, and I want to share that with YOU!

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