Friday, August 24, 2007

fuck-tards. My favorite word of the day!

I’ve had a week from hell. Thank goddess it’s almost over. (It’s only 7:53 am as I type this).

I will only say ONE thing about the anonymous poster below, and then I will move on….because even one comment is more than you deserve. If you are a regular anonymous poster, then you already know that I have had my share of nasty things left here... and if you know me in RL, and you don’t like me, why do you come here? The night my puppy took off for an hour was an extremely emotional time for me, and calling me ‘bad’ for having him in the backyard is really unnecessary. Other than attention, what do you get out of posting? just move on, k?

By the way…people leave their dogs in the backyard all the time… so why am I “bad”?

You know, as I type this…I sort of had a realization. I am constantly defending myself on this blog. Should I be? I mean really…it has gotten so ridiculous that I can’t just type something without wondering WHO is going to leave something on here spiteful (and anonymous). I have to analyze every word to figure out what can be taken out of context, and who is going to take what I am saying the wrong way. Seriously, people are SO judgemental! I must be VERY interesting. And VERY cool to have so many people hating on me, no? (and Vero is totally going to give me shit for writing about this AGAIN…but in my defense if random people would stop being fuck-tards I wouldn’t have to keep talking about it!)

But back to my week of hell…I DO see some light at the end of the tunnel. It is Friday, and we have a fantastic weekend planned. Helping Celyne move on Saturday (the best part of my weekend Celyne *giggle*) , a poker tourney Saturday night for the Children’s Hospital, and Playland on Sunday (weather permitting). We are probably going to go camping on the long weekend, not sure where yet, and then Sadie is off to grade 1! They grow up so fast…so cherish every moment!

So…see ya fuck-tards

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