Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Elvis ‘left the building’

I didn’t have a good day yesterday. Work aside (it’s always stressful) the rest of my day just went plain shitty. You know who decided to go have a nice fun day wakeboarding in the Fraser, so I came home to an empty house, only to turn right back around for some shopping therapy. (Please note: shopping therapy doesn’t work when you’re as grumpy as I was) so I went back home only purchasing a few back-to-school items for Sadie.

Here’s where it gets tough.

Elvis was gone. Elvis had found a way to burrow under the fence. Elvis was nowhere to be found.

Sadie and I walked through our neighborhood for a bit, checking out the park we usually walk him to, and down the busy street where he likes to take off to when we open the front door. Then we piled into the car and put on the 4-ways and slowly inched ourselves around the block not once, not twice, not even three times, but FOUR times. Elvis was nowhere. At this point, I am pretty sad. Because I KNOW that if we haven’t found him yet…we probably wouldn’t.

I slowly inched my way back home defeated. When we got out of the car Sadie and I decided to walk one more time down the street ‘just in case’ we missed something. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see this lady in a green Honda Element sitting at the stop sign. I had seen her several times when we were searching for Elvis, so I assumed she was looking for an address. She pulled up, asked if we were looking for a dog, and there sat Elvis in her front seat looking happier than a pig in shit. Both Sadie and I were very happy to see him!

As an afterthought, I should have thanked the lady more… offered her SOMETHING in thanks, but I really wasn’t thinking about her when I grabbed him, said thank you, and took off for the house. I feel bad about that.

Then I had dinner, a bath, and settled in for a movie. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT ever pay any kind of money to watch Nacho Libra. Absolutely one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and sadly I will never have that hour back again (feel asleep) and I will regret that for the rest of my life.

So Elvis is BACK in the building. And the hole in the backyard has been filled. With a concrete block.

Try getting out of THAT.

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