Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yeah, it's been pretty awesome lately. Here's why.


It’s been a bit of a trying few days. I’ve been ‘away’ from the blog because I really wasn’t in a ‘funny’ mood. I’m still now, so I thought I might as well explain the absence and garner some sympathy.

Cause people caring and shit really makes me feel better.

Sunday I was cut off on the hwy going about 90km an hour straight into a concrete barrier amidst a construction zone at 7am. (For you American readers, that’s like 60 miles an hour, right?)

This shit happens quickly ‘yo, and while I was able to recount what happened to the RCMP office when he arrived, if you asked me now for a play by play I would just stare off into space and look confused.

I think we rolled over and came back up, but is this even possible? All the windows on my SUV were smashed up on the right side, so…maybe?

My 9 year old daughter was in the vehicle too. I am struggling with this part. I feel so much guilt for her having been put through this, despite it not being my fault. What ‘could have happened’ keeps going through my mind, and I repeatedly have these mini-breakdowns. By mini-breakdowns I mean uncontrollable sobbing. And it only gets worse because then I get upset that I AM upset.

Makes no darn sense, while making complete sense at the same time.

In other news, douchecanoe that cut us off, then clipped my back corner while we spun out of control, chose to continue on his/her merry way down the highway. Probably didn’t even look in their rear view to see what the fuck they caused. Guilt can do that to a person, I am sure.

So to the light colored SUV or Truck that chose to swerve in to my lane on Hwy 1 just west of the Port Mann Bridge: Go fuck yourself. I hope someone steals all your belongings. Cause that’s as mean as I GET.

You are clearly more of a douchecanoe than I could ever be.

Also, you owe me and my 9 year old some physio for our pain. My 1 year old has been a little neglected these last few days because it hurts to pick him up.

Shame on you.

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