Thursday, June 9, 2011

George W. Bush

He may not have been the best president we have had, but by golly I'd give anything to have him back instead of the turd we have as a leader right now. I like to try and stay professional on here but I have to go off. I am SICK and TIRED of the hypocrisy of the left!! George W. Bush was absolutely vilified and demonized by the liberals in America for years and years for every little thing. "He's KILLING our troops!", "He STOLE that election!", "He HATES the black people in New Orleans!", "He's TORTURING innocent terrorists!" and "He's SPYING on Americans!" Oh and my personal favorite....."He's the DUMBEST president we have ever had!". Please. Do us all a favor, pull your lip over your head and swallow.

Now these same idiots utter nary a peep while their thin skinned, golf and basketball playing nincompoop-in-chief continues the same polices "The Nazi" did, if not more so. Obama continues war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and ups his list of wars up to 4, with military involvement in Libya and Yemen. Where are you anti-war, flower power, Bush haters now?!? I'd love to hear your input. Oh yes, and the little weakling frat boy college kids out in the streets chanting "USA! USA!" after "Obama got bin Laden". Bin Laden was found and sent to Allah directly because of the policies Bush put into place. So called torture tactics at prisons Amnesty International (and Barack Obama ironically) disapproves of. Sit down and shut up!

What gets me the most is when someone with no eduction, no job, and no accomplishments says something to the affect of "Bush is the dumbest president ever!" George W. Bush is likely more intelligent than most of the general population in America, and has also done more with his life. I will go so far as to say he is a more intelligent man than Barack Obama. Watch any interview of Bush when he gets angry or goes off script. No one seems to admit it, but when Bush got mad, he began to speak from the heart and say whatever he wanted to whatever left wing reporter was grilling him at the time. Bush could be articulate when he said what Bush wanted to say, instead of the written speech before him. Compare that to Mr. Barack "Uh, Uhhh, Uhh, Uh" Obama, who can't ever seem to get a point across without reading it line by line from the magic teleprompter in front of him. How can people possibly say "Bush is stupid!" then turn around and faint in the presence of the all knowing halo donning Obama? They say it because they are stupid. Oh, but Bush had a southern accent. I guess that automatically makes one stupid. Too bad he didn't have a sophisticated northern accent, sip tea, and drive a Prius. Then it all would have been better. I don't care what anyone says, George W. Bush was a man who didn't seem to care about what others thought of him. He said and did what he wanted to because he was The Man. I guess that's what I liked about him, politics aside. Bush just didn't give a damn. He didn't care if people thought he was stupid. He didn't care what the press wrote about him. He didn't care how he was perceived. Insult Bush all you want fools. If I ever meet him, I will shake his hand and tell him "Thank you" for having balls and doing everything he could to keep America safe.

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