Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I was once locked inside a club over night. Ya I am awesome

Way back when, when I was 18 years old, I played slo-pitch for a local ‘club’ even thought I was underage. I remember using my sister’s old driver’s license to get in one day, and thankfully her first name is not the name she goes by, or me mentioning she was my sister as I introduced myself to the head bouncer while HE WAS CHECKING MY ID would have resulted in me being firmly escorted off the premises. She had mentioned to me that she knew him, so I foolishly thought it was a good idea to say Hi, in hopes it would give me some kind of preferential treatment.

Luck was on my side, because from the day forward I was treated like a princess there.

It became a bit of a ritual for those of us waiting for the staff to clean up at the end of the night to hang out on the couch by the main entrance. Sometimes there were several of us, sometimes just me, but every night the staff would gather there when they were finished and we would all go about our own way; either together to an after party, or separate homes after sharing one last drink.

It never crossed my mind that I might be left there one night.

I vaguely recall drinking my face off that night, and even more vaguely remember laying down on the couch, but what I DO remember quite vividly is waking up at 5am and having no idea where the fuck I was. It became pretty obvious when I jumped up and ran into the back room and the alarm started going off that I wasn’t in my house thought. Thankfully the janitor happened to be in the parking lot grabbing something from his car, because the door WAS unlocked and I was able to escape.

I hauled some pretty serious ass home and crashed for a few more hours, but was woken up sometime around 10am by a phone call from the Manager. He was a little curious as to who was in the club that morning and it didn’t take a genius to figure out it was me.

That club is closed now, but for YEARS afterwards, they would do ‘Carmen Checks”. It became quite a joke to spread out at the end of the night with each staff member checking every nook and cranny of the place to make sure I wasn’t hiding. Plenty of times this was done right in front of me for a good laugh.


But hey, to this day I can proudly admit that I am the only person to ever be locked inside that club overnight. In hindsight, I should have ransacked the bar and took home some expensive bottles.

Seriously, a single girl on a budget needs a substantial liquor stash y’all.

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