Friday, January 16, 2009

My Life the Soap Opera

Well readers, it's been an interesting week. Needless to say (well because I say it a lot) I can't really post much about it because I have been censored.

By who? you ask...

By yet another thing I can't post about.

God, I am such a victim of everything this blog represents lol.

With all that said... there IS some drama I can post about...and what good would I be if I couldn't supply you faithful readers (that always makes me laugh, cause really, I have like 3 of you) with even just a little bit?!

First off - I am not moving. It's been a pretty emotional week regardless of just the moving pressures, but also because E and I have finally been communicating; more-so then we ever have in all of our three years together. I could say it's because he has succumbed to my powers and bent over so I can shove it up his ass and hold it over him for as long as we both shall live, (OMG the wedding speech, SAVE ME) but sadly I can not report that ( I kid, I kid). In truth, while he DID back down (pride people, suck it up!), we finally managed to speak on the same level and come to some serious decisions about our wants, needs, expectations, and dreams. It won't be an easy road, but it's a road we both feel is worth travelling because we love each enough to weather the bumpy parts. We BOTH have things to work on, and while it took other shit in my life to recognize it, I too realize that I played a big part in our break up too.

So onto counselling we go. Yipppeeeeee! (and lets make note that I am UBER proud of him for having the strength to go and ask for help!)

And secondly... Daddy McGuirt has entered the building once again. For those that know the situation, this probably comes as a big surprise. It has been 5 years since Sadie and I have been graced with his presence, and a year since either of us have heard his voice. The phone call came at a pretty inconvenient time I can thankfully say I didn't lose it on him, despite my desire to do so. That said, the phone call consisted of him begging for a chance to change the situation and make positive adjustments to his 'priorities', and could I please help him and understand.


I wanted to hang up.

But I didn't.

You know, as a human being our first instinct is to shut these people out of our lives, but as a parent we have a responsibility to give the other parent the benefit of the doubt. Although my desire to smack talk him to her is VERY strong, I have never done that. (I just wanted to point that out, you know, in case someone random with a law degree ever came across my blog and chose to read this one post just for shits and giggles) It has taken a lot of strength to keep my cool, and to give him the benefit time and time again...and you could say 'learn your lesson' but really, what right do I have to completely eliminate him from our lives? He has rights too. Unfortunately :(

So peeps *insert theme song to Days of our Lives* another day another dollar, another drama... that really is the story of my life.

Time for a bottle of red.


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