Friday, December 30, 2011

The Privatization of U.S. Foreign Policy

The American imperialists have come up with a new twist when they are trying to subvert the internal affairs of a country they dislike.

The Cuba case is a very good example. The dislike of the imperialists has been transmorphed into regular vanilla flavor of hate.

The imperialists always think that the rest of the world is stupid and that they can hide their never-ending policies of greed and rapaciousness’ by coining new terminology.

The covert agents of the American empire are no longer called “assets” or “spooks.” Hillary and Obama now call them contractors.

Allan Gross was fooled by the Washington D.C. dynamic duo into believing this new word that they minted recently, in an effort to curry favor with corporate CEO’s, who apparently are now in charge of directing U.S. foreign policy, in exchange for 12 gold coins.

Gross deserves the 15 years that he got for allowing himself to be used by the smelly pair of the Potomac.

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