Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I am bitchy and judgmental. So there's that...

I have a beef.

And no, not the medium-rare juicy T-bone kinda beef. I have a complaint. I am probably going to come across as judgmental and bitchy, but that’s never really stopped me before.

There are about a Kajillion of us Mommy Bloggers out there; single parents, stay-at-homers, working moms and parents of challenged children, just to name a few. We blog for our own reasons whether they are personal, educational, or emotional outlets, and we generally support each other as though we are family. It’s almost like a club really, one that we all want to belong to and feel so accepted when we do. I know I feel lucky that I have such a support system online, as I am sure many of you do as well.

But that’s where the rainbows and lollipops end for me.

While I love and support so many of you in your daily struggles, I cannot for one second stomach those ‘Mommy Bloggers’ that post their dirty laundry for sympathy and attention.

Was that harsh?

It’s so hard actually to put into words what I mean here, even though I am attempting to, so if I insult you in any way I encourage you to comment here so I have a chance to further explain.

I do not personally converse with any of these ‘Mommy Bloggers’ that I feel do this (by linking to, or commenting on their blogs) and I shake my head at the ones I come across with blatant self-pity and over-sharing of personal issues. To me, those blogs should be kept personal, and their purpose saved as reflection and growth for the writer, not as a public forum for attention.

But who am I to judge them? And if I don’t like it, I shouldn’t read it, right?

I don’t speak generally here. I am not clumping these ‘Mommy Bloggers’ into their own category. It’s all subjective. I have posted extremely personal things here on A Life Less Ordinary that probably contradicts my whole opinion on this post. So shame on me.

But here is the clarification: I write for my own therapy, and almost 100% for humor. NOT FOR ATTENTION OR SYMPATHY. It’s the motivation that annoys me.

But how can you tell what the writer’s motivation is?

Truthfully, I don’t. How can I? It’s just a feeling. And I have probably been wrong on numerous occasions. In fact, I KNOW I have. But when I go back day after day to read the same drivel, I can’t help but feel like the attention being garnered is deliberate, and not situational.

We all have our personal problems and struggles. And we should all feel as though we have our community to listen, support and encourage, I truly believe that. I am just annoyed at the ones that are never-ending cries of ‘Look at me! My problems are way worse than yours! Can’t you see? I talk about it EVERY DAY!”  

I hope that I haven’t come across like some mean-spirited cold-hearted bitch. If I have, I am sorry. But truthfully, I feel better knowing I got this off of my bitchy, judgmental chest.

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