Thursday, July 14, 2011

So I speak Jupiterian. Apparently. Plus, I'm insecure. Probably

So now that I have all the blog design crap out of the way, I can finally get to writing something. Or, not writing something. Whichever. Seems I have a bit of a block.

Truthfully, I’ve been writing like a mad woman for the company blog (and no I will not be linking because I in no way want randoms from my work to somehow magically find this blog and dissect every F word) and am only finding inspirations in dull, grey, business-y type paragraphs and that really isn’t suited for Life Less Ordinary.

Plus, I’d like to keep some of my readership too. Probably. I kinda like the 2 ½ of you. I am only assuming I have a ½ reader somewhere since I am sure many of you like to sit and read blogs with your pets in your lap, right? That could be the half right there?

Like I said, only assuming. But for the sake of no arguments, I’ll compromise and say just the two of you. I’d like you to keep coming back.

Actually, by not writing something I am doing you a favor, right? Because like I said, I have a bit of a blockage going on in the writing department. Well, not-so-much-in-the-dull category you see, but in actual so-funny-it-makes-you-want-to-pee way.

And once again, I realize I may be pushing it here – when I have ever been so funny-it-makes-you-want-to-pee? Probably never, but maybe once? So I’ll compromise and say I can be mildly funny and every so often get a little snicker out of the two of you.

So let’s recap shall we?

I definitely have a blockage, and not the type of blockage that you can take an over the counter medication for.

I have decided to gift my trazillion* readers (with our without pets) by not posting something all business-y thus boring them into never coming back

I have wasted way too much time writing drivel no one is going to read anyways. But hey, my blog is pretty!

(Which leads me to ask YOU for a favor. I HATE THE TITLE FONT and want something way prettier but messing with html is kinda like asking me to eat a flip flop: not going to happen. Think any of you could design something stupidly awesome and I will pay you back with thoughts of love?)

That about sum it up?

*Trazillion: Jupiterian for 2 1/2

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