Thursday, February 25, 2010

Teacher under fire for punishing student that refused to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance

ACLU Defends Maryland Student Who Refused to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance

The ACLU says that on Jan. 27 the 13-year-old girl refused to stand during the pledge at Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown. Her teacher ordered her to stand in the hall. The ACLU says that when she refused to stand the next day, two school police officers escorted her to a counselor's office.

In my view, the punishment for the student was mild. If I was that teacher, I would have made the brat sit in a chair facing the corner wearing a dunce cap bearing all the symbols of tyranny and oppression that America has fought through the years...the Nazi swastika, the Communist hammer and sickle, the Islamic crescent and star, etc. Then, I would focus the entire day on teaching the class how incredibly amazing America is. I would go around the room and have each student give me a reason why they love America. All the while, the anti-American turd in the corner would have to take it I would torture that ungrateful child's mind.

Seriously, how warped can a 13 year old's mind be that they can't even stand during the Pledge of Allegiance? I would bet money this child's parents are activist liberals. I would put my entire week's paycheck on it.

I say bravo to the teacher who disciplined her. And to the ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union)...well, you don't want to know what I have to say to them.

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