Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blessed Thanksgiving

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours!

Thanksgiving is a special day set aside nation wide when we should reflect and give THANKS for what has been given to us and for what has been good for our families this past year.

Maybe your year hasn't been so great......

I too have friends and acquaintances that have or are suffering greatly this year.

One such thing so heavy on our hearts right now is a family friend of ours who is only 49 years old and in the hospital with TWO inoperable cancerous brain tumors. She has two grown children and is divorced.
There has been a very small support base for her as she endures this trial.

It has been a very sad thing to witness as she looses her strength and becomes totally helpless and debilitated.

Her name is Denise.....please pray for her.

There are many hard situations affecting many people right now.
But I encourage you that we must all look for that "silver lining" in the dark clouds.

As for our family:
We will continue to thank GOD for His mercy and His grace to press on to another day...because regardless of circumstances..... We love and trust Him and we are THANKFUL for all He does and all He has done and ALL He is about to do in the days ahead.

Have a BLESSED Thanksgiving!

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