Saturday, October 18, 2008

We win......

There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.
~ William Bliss Carman ~

I just heard from my "Gypsy, Vagabond,son," and he's doing great up North.
We've been talking all night via cell phone and computer off and on about the football games being played, and other things.

But he just sent me a text message that said this........

"We win YAY."

Little does he realize how how meaningful his words are.

A very good friend of ours, Mother, used to send us notes and cards in the mail and occasionally call us sometimes to encourage our family.

She's gone from the planet now, having made her her appearance in heaven last summer.

At the end of her notes and phone calls she would say to me.......
"Remember Joyce, 'WE WIN.'"

She's so right.
And it's bigger than football and it's bigger than politics and it's bigger than life.
I saved those notes in a special drawer in my dresser.
I cherish things like that.

"Vagabond, Gypsy son" will be home to visit next weekend.
Silly boy. He's always searching...and still hasn't found "what he's looking for."

I have ALWAYS loved the Gypsies...and Vagabonds, Pilgrims, Sojourners, Wanderers and other such peoples.
It's all about terminology sometimes isn't it?.

And yet....."of such are some of us."

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