Friday, September 12, 2008

Windy City.....again.

It's late....toooo late for little girls to be up.

We have "evacuation" company that came in to stay with us from Lake Charles, LA. due to Hurricane Ike so we've been watching the storm come ashore.

And watching that crazy Geraldo falling down in the water and nearly being swept out to sea..... What I want to know is this......"Why do these people stay out in that weather!!!" It's like the want to PROVE they can "stand up" in 110 mph winds. Crazy!!!

This is a BIG Ol'STORM....the size of the ENTIRE State of Texas..and we have had nutty "Tropical" weather ALL day long starting early in the morning.

People in town have been panic buying food and water and panic buying GAS....traffic was a nightmare today in Baton Rouge...which is never a fun place to drive in the first place.

It's now about 1:00am and we can hear things flying on or OFF our roof. Ugh.....

Today has been exhausting and I think it just goes back to be tired from all the drama of the past few weeks even.

We have friends who are like family in Corpus Christi and know many people in Texas.....all over.....we have been very concerned for the coast of Texas.

We are wishing and praying for everyone in "harms way" in both Texas and and peace.
Houses and cars can be replaced.....but lives cannot.

More tomorrow......well it is sort of tomorrow now isn't it?
Well.....then......"more later in the day."

Gabe is in town for the LSU game...he flew in from Connecticut on "9/11"....I hated that but he made it just fine.
He's coming for "breakfast" in the morning which is just a few hours away so I suppose I should get to bed so that "event" can actually take place. HA!

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