Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life In Baton Rouge....

Every day a bit more of "normalcy" comes back to us.

"Normalcy" - being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning.

People are starting to get their power on in Baton Rouge....very SLOWLY but it's happening.
Out of all my husband's employees, only our son Caleb had power as of today. Thankfully they all have generators......but it's still not the same as full power. Believe me I know first hand!

Today I went and worked at our Church to help with Food Distribution.
The Church we attend has a MAJOR Food Bank called "Streams Of Life" that distributes DIRECTLY to Churches, that then distribute to people.....
in and out of their churches.

have been arriving daily before and since Gustav hit.
Every day Semi loads of food and personal hygiene and other relief supplies

Two Semi trucks of food and relief supplies had just come in from Ohio this afternoon.

It doesn't take long to unload the supplies tractors to unload the pallets......then we form a "conga line"....I mean vehicle line.....and people drive through the various points on the driveway and receive the various items at each point.

Vehicles picking up various relief and food items at "Streams"....

Ms. Dianne, Pastor Steve's wife giving instructions to David for the distribution line.

David is a sweet little guy that attends our church. His entire family is from Nigeria. His Daddy is an Evangelist and is always going back over there to put "CLEAN Water Wells" in their village and surrounding villages.
I love that.

These are two sweet ladies from Alabama that I worked with today and Mr. Luther.
Mr. Luther is a Katrina Evacuee that moved into the area and helps at "Streams" and attends the church as well.

These woman are with an organization that sends volunteer workers into
"Disaster Areas" all over the United States....these workers have been "camping out" in the warehouses and it is very HOT inside of those metal buildings.

Today an Air Conditioner was set up for them so I was GLAD to hear that.

Pastor Steve has been receiving Chemo everyday still...today was his last day for this week...so it's been hard on him but he's STILL been out there working EVERYDAY!! I saw him today and thought I was going to have to throw a fit.

He and his wife are VERY dedicated people to the poor and down and out of Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas.

When a disaster strikes.....you can't just think of yourself you HAVE to (or should be) think of others as well. I can't stand it when people are self centered or selfish and greedy.

I tell my kids all the time..."it's not about us....it's about THEM!!!"

Right now.....alot of the "thems" need help....we are seeing it every day, BIG TIME right now.....and it's not just food and supplies and new roofs they need.
Some just need a cup of cold water....literally.

Many are tired and just need some kind words spoken to them.

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