Sunday, September 7, 2008

Update, Update......Whew!!!

I will write more when I get the chance......
We just got power back on LAST we've been without it six days and I have to say that this family is doing good.
Many haven't been as fortunate.

It's been an AMAZING week and I have alot to tell you all...lots of great stories...and some not so hang tight and when I get a moment later on this evening probably...I will write more.

And I will try to get some photos on here as well....for now....we have a ton of clean up to continue to do and some major housework now that we have power. really don't realize how addicted we Americans are to electricity.

That is until you LOOOOOSE it. Ugh!

And we had a GENERATOR too...but it didn't power everything.
I will explain more later.

We've personally had up to FOUR people over here living with us through this it's a bit messy even though we have tried to keep up with the clutter and such.

Now it's time to vacuum and mop and wash and dry clothes....big things. HA!

The husband and boys are taking care of the outside things. And I'm working on the inside with Miss Priss.......although WE ALL have been working outside for DAYS trying to help our various neighbors and others....many who we don't even know...who have gotten hit much worse than we did.

This was a HUGE and TERRIBLE storm.....the worst hurricane/storm whatever to EVER hit Baton Rouge....and we are coming through it. Many still haven't power and some won't have it for upwards of 21 DAYS...YIKES!

THANKS SO much for your prayers and concern!

We love and APPRECIATE you all!!!

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