Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sicko and the Ring

OK, just one comment from me in regards to the Vibe post.

I bought the same one. "nuff said :-)

This week has been a bit of a struggle for me health wise. You know when that cold just sort of sneaks up on your slowly...when you're not feeling 100% but nothing is REALLY wrong with you... and then BAM, you feel like death and no pill is going to help.

Welcome to my yesterday.

And my today.

Last night while I was at the corner store picking up bread and milk, my nose actually dripped on the counter while I was paying. Completely humiliating. Especially after I noticed the nice Chinese man step back a teeny bit. Sure, I was also buying out his medicine supply, but it still grossed him out. I'm not even hot to a middle-aged Chinese man. UGH.

I hope that didn't sound like I WANTED to be hot to a middle aged Chinese man.

Weird thing happened to me this morning though. As my car was warming up, I decided to look in the side slot of my driver side door to see if I had any CD's tucked away there. Instead, I found an envelope with "Carmen's Ring" written in big bold blue letters. 'Interesting,' I thought to myself, so I opened it and found an absolutely beautiful diamond ring with the inscription "Past Present Future". The weird part you ask? I do not have a clue where this ring came from. Now, I immediately looked to the inside of the ring to look for inscriptions, and when I read it, it was vaguely familiar, so I must subconsciously know that this ring was given to me at some point... I just can't recall for the life of me WHEN or WHO.

And that is not saying I have jewellery given to me often! I seriously don't.

This my friends, is yet another indication I am getting older and slowly losing my mind.

I is sad.

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