Monday, December 1, 2008

A "Hello" from our friend Peter......

Today I received a nice "Hello" e-mail from our good friend Peter.

Peter Rabbit that is.
He's been a dear friend of mine and Miss Priss's for many years.
We LOVE "naughty rabbits".....and other such clothes wearing, talking and human acting little animals.
Peter has a new "Advent Calendar" on his website. Even rabbits are techy now days.
I downloaded the calendar and it's sooo cute and fun that I thought you might like to do it too. I really think he did a fine job on it. The animation is great.

Miss Priss and I love all the Tales of Peter Rabbit and his friends.

Years ago when Miss Priss was a little girl......we came across one of our MOST favorite Christmas stories.
"The Tailor of Glocester"

We watch it every Christmas......several times too actually.
We just watched it Saturday night for the first time this Christmas season.

Guess what I found on "YouTube" tonight, quite accidentally but to my great joy.....
Now you all can take a tiny peek at what "The Tailor of Glocester" is about.

If you love it.....and want to view more you can watch all of it by finding the other 4 videos on YouTube. That will complete the entire cartoon video.

Amazing stuff that YouTube.
Isn't it?

I have a friend that lives in the "Cumbria" area.

You know when and if I make it over there.....I am SURE going to visit her while I'm in the
"Lake District"
touring all the fine Beatrix Potter sites that are there.

I have so much to do in life yet.
I'm way behind it seems.

And I just remembered that we would HAVE to see our family friend "Rache" that we have known since she was 14 years old. She's in Essex now....and soon to become a Mother herself.
Amazing how time flies.
Rache used to LOVE "The Tailor of Glocester" too and watch it with us when she would come for Christmas visits to our home.....back in the day.
Well....we will figure it all out when the time comes. :~)

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