Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Photo time.....

Here's a few photos from our "Annual St. Patrick's Celebration" on Sunday. Just remember, I don't claim to be the greatest photographer in the'll figure that one out real quick.
But we give it a "go" anyhow.

Pastor Steve sent us the very CUTE "Irish Bear" in his Green Kilt playing the Bagpipes as a "gift" for our party. He plays "When Irish Eyes are Smiling."

Don brought it home one night last week in it's box and told me to "open it". So I did and WAS THRILLED!
Don said he had been called that day by Pastor Steve's Mother-in-Law to drop by the house that P. Steve had a "Gift" for us and this is what it was. That was SOOOO SWEET of him and his wife Dianne. He had ordered it for us special. Even thought he's been in the hosptial for nearly 4 weeks...he thought to do this for us, that says alot about WHO he is.

****By the way...P. Steve was being released from the hospital as we were having our party!

Serving it up "Cajun style" just "lay it out and they come and get it."

Marsha, Joanie, Me, Diane, and Paula.

Mr. Ray and Mr. Bob

A very sweet and kind Marsha, brought me this fitting "Hostess gift."
The "Taste of Home, Irish Food and Fun Recipe Magazine."

We had some 35 people counting children invited and ended up with a very comfortable 15 counting our son and his friends.
One family was unable to make it because 2 of their children had Strep Throat, so we missed them dearly.

Joanie and I having some good "Craic"....which means "fun."

Really...we had perfect amount of people and everyone could visit with each other well.
I TOTALLY forgot to take photos of the food....can you believe it? I was so busy trying to help prepare the food....and play "Hostess" and photographer.

Although my husband did most of the big cooking outside. He did 8 decent sized pieces of Corn Beef and TONS of Red Potatoes, in our huge Crawfish Pot and the Cabbage in our "Turkey Fryer."

I did the Carrots inside because they don't take long at all and are a bit more fragile than the rest of those foods.
WE HAD SO MUCH FOOD LEFT OVER though because I did plan for more than what came....I would rather be over than under when it comes to food.....SOOOO...we are still eating it! HA! It's fine with my family though we love this kind of food.
Corn Beef sandwhich anyone?

A very "TIRED" Don and Joyce after a busy but fulfilling day.

One more......
Irish "Blessing" Teapot, Sugar and Lenox.

"A good time was had by all."

I love that saying.....ha!
AND I especially love our friends....those that came and those that couldn't.

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