Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Drama" and such......

It's been very WINDY and I don't know about you all.....but I've had "drama" all day long.
But it will be alright. Hours pass and so does "drama"....the winds will blow themselves out...nothing lasts forever. We all know that and thank goodness for that fact.
Youngest son is having his "Senior photos" taken right now....he had gotten "lost" trying to get to the photographers studio so there were like 50 frantic calls over that via cell phone.

We had drama for two days over "what to wear" and what shots to take. Geeeesh! He wanted to wear shorts...I talked to oldest son today...and he said..."What?? Well..... that's just Luke so let him Mom."
Soooo......I'm fine with it.

Life is way too short you know?

I was trying to rush through a "massage and chiropractic appointment" that I've had on the books for two weeks so I could get back before he left.....and of course he left "early" and didn't take the deposit. Gooood grief....

My husband has been very ill for two days. He has coughed all night long for the past two nights now...hopefully tonight he will sleep better.

Lots of things are going on.....but things could always be worse. Today has been so windy that all flights out of Baton Rouge and New Orleans have either been canceled or delayed. I suppose those coming in are as well.
Ugh... I'm SO glad I wasn't flying on a day like today.

We have "tornado watches" coming for later tonight and we are looking at a huge temperature "drop" the weather guy just told us.....right now it's 83 degrees.

My husband just came in and told me we have "shingles off the roof." I just went out and saw them flying around the back yard.

Now we are "battening down the hatches" and taking down all the hanging plants and bringing some of the patio furniture and other things closer to the house or putting it in the garage.

I feel like I'm in a "hurricane prep." I hate that too, because THAT season is coming upon us soon enough.

Yep, a storms a brewing.......and you can feel it.

It's those crazy March winds........don't even try to fly a kite, or a plane for that matter......on a day like today.

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