Friday, October 5, 2007

Lost in ignorance and enjoying it there....

Hmmm…you know when you get that vibe that someone is ignoring you? And they are probably doing it to prove a point, but you really can’t figure it out and in fact you think that YOU should be angry at them but just don’t have the energy to battle? I am beginning to get that feeling.

Heck, who am I kidding? I pretty much know it cause I am not stupid. Usually this would upset me and I would try and figure out what the hell I have done to piss them off…and how I could fix it. But this time, I think I am just gonna let it go. I don’t need the drama.

But hey, I am sorry if I did anything. Obviously you think you are justified to ignore me…and I can’t argue with your opinion, you are entitled to it. Even if I don’t know what it is.

Basically…I am tired. I am so tired of fighting every few months over stupid shit. We are both busy people. We both have families. I know we aren’t really fighting right now cause we haven’t even talked, so let’s just leave it that way. I’ll stop trying so you can stop ignoring…sound good? That’s a rhetorical question.

HAPPY WEEKEND everyone. I plan on stuffing myself with three turkey dinners. Thank goddess for large split families.

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