Thursday, January 18, 2007

Do men 'fake'?

*Disclaimer. As do most of my posts, this one is completely fictitious and is no way related to my life or anyone whom is close to me. It is purely for entertainment value. I do not want to recieve emails from anyone asking me if my relationship is okay and would I be interesed in some counselling. Despite being thoughtful (for crazy people) I am in no need of this and am blissfully happy with my relationship and sex life. Thank you and have a pleasant day*

The age old question.

Do men "fake" ? I mean, can they?

I was thinking about this the other day, purely for my own perverse amusement while I was mindlessly staring at a blurry computer screen (blurry because I was staring at it) and listening to the buzz, beep, and whine of the fax machine.

Not exactly a thrilling day.

I would wager that about 99.99% of women have faked an orgasm at one point in their life, if not many, and not because we can (because OH WE CAN) but because there happened to be no other way to end the disasterous sex that we were having at that particular moment. Men seem to think that it is programmed into their manlihood to pound away as fast and as hard as they possibly can in order to make us cum, without realizing that the grimace on our face is there because we are in fact NOT enjoying ourselves. I still have not figured out how they cannot come to the obvious conclusion on that one, but I digress. Faking comes naturally for most women who have some kind of reign on their Keigal Muscles. If you don't know what that is, YOU need the counselling.

This brings me back to my original thought. Do men "fake"? Think about it for a second. Lets say, hypothetically of course, (please read disclaimer above) that you are in a long-term relationship and for some reason choose not to use protection. (Pull-out, TRYING to get pregnant, whatever). In this situation, is it possible for a man to fake?

I ponder.

My answer, instinctively, was no. But then I pondered some more. Sadly, I am stumped for words on how to accurately describe this withought being ...well... gross. So I truck on.... When men cum, there is fluid. And more often than not, LOTS of sticky thick fluid. And when you are not using a condom, this tends to sort of sit there for a bit, then slowly ...uummm... leak (ugh I hate that word). Now how can a man possibly fake that?

But here is why I have changed my answer from no, to maybe. What if this man, currently in the hypothetical situation above, is a little cummer? *I chose this term 'little cummer' cause it made me giggle, and well anything that makes me giggle shall be on this blog. * So what if, being a little cummer, nothing leaks? Do you feel like you've been 'faked-out' or did your long hallway of pleasure (oooo im good at this!) vacuum that liquid in a selfish urge to make you a baby? Wow, I cannot believe that sentence actually was typed by moi. I am totally NOT editing in any way!

Have I answered the quesiton?

Because I said Maybe. And that TOTALLY is an acceptable answer.

Because I said so. And I'm cool.

Now, reading this whole post back for spelling errors (for those that know me well, know that I type extremely fast and have very frequent spelling errors...some quite comical. The good news is this place has a spell check option which really makes me happy) ...(back to what I was saying)....It sounds like I am calling my main man a 'little cummer'. I have sworn to never post anything about him here and in order to protect our relationship, NOTHING here will EVER be about him, ok? Because he will get mad. Very mad. He may be cute when he's mad,(his cheeks go ever so slightly pink) but I think this time it would be different. I value my shoe collection too. I don't need them thrown out of his truck window as he is flying down the Freeway at 120 clicks with his furniture in the back. He knows where it hurts... he would go for the shoes.

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