Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I will never side with Ron Paul and the modern day libertarian movement.

I will admit. I am a neo-con at heart. I do not like war, but I do believe it is necessary and I do believe we should take action as a nation to fight an enemy that wishes our complete destruction. That enemy is radical Islam. It is a blatant hostility to our nation that stretches worldwide. It can be found all over the world. Radical Islam represents a danger not just to America, but to humanity and it's a threat more dangerous than the Nazis could ever be.

I like Ron Paul. I think he is a great politician and could be a great president. His views on economics, the free market, and limited government are Founding Fathers-esque, and it's a shame more politicians don't present themselves as he does. But, as far as foreign policy and national defense goes, Ron Paul and his followers and I couldn't be divided any further.

More and more I come to the realization that libertarians in this country, especially the staunch supporters of Ron Paul, whose commitment to him almost borders on religious fervor, are complete pacifists who absolutely refuse to admit or accept that our nation is at war and that there are evil people in this world that wish to destroy us as a nation.

I interact with many people online through message boards, Facebook debates, etc. I like to get into political discussions. I like to know how different people view the world. And every time I argue with a Ron Paul supporter I come to the realization that I could never be one of them. The Ron Paul base has moved from a group of limited government libertarian conservatives to becoming a massive cesspool of conspiracy theorists, anarchists, potheads who only care about the legalization of cannabis, and anti Semites.

I used to support Ron Paul. Not anymore. This conservative libertarian has had it up to here with the "9/11 was an inside job" drivel. And I sure as heck am not going to support a candidate who will not defend this country.

Ron Paul and his supporters make their case for isolationism and non interventionism based upon the Founding Fathers' writings and beliefs on the matter. I agree with them wholeheartedly. But, I can tell you one thing. If the Founding Fathers were here today, they would most certainly go to war with the Islamic extremists who show deliberate intention to bring us to ruin. They stood up for freedom against Britain. They would not sit back and pretend the threat of Islamism doesn't exist, like Ron Paul and his mob believe.

It is so utterly absurd, that they even refuse to accept the fact that Islamic terrorists attacked us on September 11th. Instead, they like to believe it was orchestrated by the government. Hell, to them, everything is a government conspiracy. I guess that means Islamic terror attacks in Britain, Spain, Bali, Beslan, Thailand, India, China, The Philippines, and elsewhere are all orchestrated as well. So are the chants of "Death to America" and "Bomb, bomb USA." Oh yeah, Israel is behind it all too. Those dirty Jews.

You know what gets me the most though? To Ron Paul and the Ron Paulites, America represents not a force for good, but a tyrannical, oppressive evil overtaking the world. To them, the Taliban are victims. The Iraqis are victims. US troops are nothing but mindless pawns and "New World Order" soldiers. Well I have just one thing to say to you, and I can tell you, it's not appropriate for here!

I am sick of debating with people who go into long drawn out tirades about how the Jews run the world, 9/11 was an inside job, Bush and Obama are worse than Hitler, and American soldiers are going to round up citizens into FEMA camps with the end note..."RON PAUL 2012" and a list of links to pointless Youtube videos and questionable articles as valid sources along with the usual "You don't know the truth" line.

I am a conservative libertarian. I support limited government and the free market. I'm well aware of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve and all the other Ron Paul/Campaign for Liberty/Alex Jones talking points. I also am a believer in defending this country! And for that simple fact, I will never side with you. Regardless of if I believe in conspiracy theories or not, I would rather live my life in happiness and honor supporting this country, instead of seeing a conspiracy around every corner and flying my American flag upside down!

Oh yeah, and I don't hate Jews.

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