Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Eighty: Last Minute Birthday Craft

Part of my stash.
This post is late! But it still counts in the whole "100 Days of Norma" since I haven't gone to bed yet. In my head, it's still day 80.

My girl's birthday party is technically later today, and I've been trying to make something out of the 14 pillow cases that I bought. My original idea was to make throw pillows that the girls could decorate with fabric pens. But I went to three different stores and each place was sold out of poly-fil. In fact, after calling several stores, I realized that I could not find poly-fil within a 15 mile radius of my house. Darn! So the throw pillow idea went out the window.

I tried to make a bag--or several different bags--and realized that I'm not used to sewing cloth. So then I tried to add duct tape, which worked. But then I ran out of the color I was using. Rats!

And then I had an epiphany: brown bags. Why not make something out of brown bags? After all, it is my latest obsession.

This is what I did so far:

Sewed some bags together...

Made wallets (yes, I waxed the paper)....

And handles...

Cut out flower petals...

I painted a few sheets of brown paper, too: red, white, and yellow. I'll cut out 6 inch squares so the girls can cut out shapes and decorate their wallets. Then they would glue the handle and a Velcro tab. I'll take some pictures of the finished wallets during the party and post them later on today.

In the meantime, I'm going to make cupcakes. And clean the playroom. And set up a nail painting station. And the karaoke machine. And...

Ugh! The things I do for my girl...

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