Friday, August 13, 2010

Well HEY!

Hi there!

It's been awhile, no? Strangely enough having a child actually eats up all your time! Who knew?!

So little Ryder (or should I say gigantic?) is almost 3 months old now...and it's utterly amazing how quickly he changes day to day. Just yesterday I was marvelling at how not 2 months ago he couldn't even really see me clearly (or my nipple for that matter!) and now his eyes light up every time I walk into a room! Seems like it was months and months ago too... time is flying by!

So R Jam (new nickname I am trying out) has developed a habit of sticking his whole fist in his mouth to find his thumb. Every so often, he finds it, loves it, and sucks the hell out of it. For about 7 seconds MAX, cause we are on that like a fat kid on a McFlurry! It's one thing to try and wean them off a binky (or tutee a we call it. Finnish for suck suck) but its a whole other ball game to get them to stop sucking their thumbs.

Tutee's you can throw out, thumbs you cannot. Unfortunately, they get to keep those for life.

My fiance's cousin is 30 years old and still sucks her thumb. I have yet to prove this, partly because I am too polite to ask, but mostly because I forget to look when I am with her, but her one thumb is actually smaller and thinner than her other one... and apparently it's very obvious. I am told she places it on the roof of her mouth when she sleeps and it's the most adorable thing in the world.

Funny enough, I don't think R Jam would look cute at 30 sucking his thumb. Call me crazy.

So other than the whole new baby thing, which you know is really no big deal (LOL), all I have really going on is this whole wedding thing, which is just another no big deal kinda thing too (LOL). Go big or go home I always say, right? As most of my friends can attest to, I don't do anything small (including my jean size **sigh**). The wedding is a week away **GASP** and while it appears to be all falling into place, I do have this gut feeling that at the lat minute some HUGE detail would have been forgotten and I will sink into a black whole for forgetting about it.

Je t'aime drama?! (wait, that's I love YOU drama[eng], not I love drama[eng]. Someone who knows french, feel free to correct me)

I had hoped my first blog post back would be more lengthy but hey, my life isn't so lengthy... so deal. I'll have some pics up soon (soon = whenever I get around to it, so could be a year... or two) and I'll post some ramblings from my stagette that is commencing in T minus 28 hours).

Wish me luck on that one... I am told I may need a few days to regroup.

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