Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Forty Four: All I Want Is...

It would have been a great little movie...

Let me just start by saying that I had this great idea for a blog post. But as luck is not on my side these days, I could not follow through.

When I feel a little out of control, I go for a run. And the last two months my sneakered feet have seen many morning jaunts through the little village I live in. I know every pot hole and hill intimately. Through the humid 90 degree weather and the sudden thunderstorms I've kept going and going and going. I play my mixed tape and run until I can't breathe.

There's a spot along the Sound that always makes me ease up on my pace and take in the view: the sun, hanging low in the sky, peaking above Long Island; the boats in the water bobbing and creaking; fellow villagers walking their dogs or sitting beneath a tree to catch a breeze. Everything is slow and a little sleepy, and I often wonder if I should stop running. But I never do. While the idyl of this scene would make anyone stop for a drink, I will only slow down.

This morning I brought my little iPod camera, hoping to take a little movie and share it on my blog. But sweaty hands and the inability to stop are a funny mix. Without knowing exactly how it happened, my iPod was flying in the air. It landed on some rocks and I was able to retrieve it. But I came home with a battered iPod and no movie.

I wanted to show you what I see when I go for these runs, bring you with me as I work out all the muscles in my body that also include my head and metaphorical heart. There's a million selfish reasons to stop at this spot on my run, but I can't. And I thought that if I could share it, then maybe that one reason would be enough to give me pause.

Anyway, here is the next song in my mixed tape, one of the songs that I listen to on my morning runs.

8. U2/All I Want Is You

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