Monday, May 26, 2008

Come join "Rachael's Party"

Hey ya'll,
Rachael at "The Rose Room" is having a BLOG PARTY to celebrate her 100th post and she invited me to come along which is cool because I've never been to "Auckland".....HA!

This is a "cyber party" so I'm not exactly PACKING my bags or digging out my Passport which is still valid and needs a "New Zealand" stamp in it but oh well...this is going to be fun and......... not so far on a plane!

Rachael is using this as a way to "meet new friends" and I am ALL ABOUT THAT!
So in accordance with her "party wishes"'s what she wants me to do and you can do it too if you "join the party!!"

Here are the "party requirements" must do the following things on your site:
Rachael speaking here....
"As a way to get to know each better, I thought it would be fun if we showed where we blog from." is where I blog from. It's usually a bit messier than this but we had company over today for a BBQ so I had to clean up the office area.

Rachael again:

The second part of the party is to answer the following 10 questions about yourself, I made it 10 as I thought 100 might be too much!

Here are MY answers to Rachael's questions.....
Relationship: Married to for...hang on folks because I am not even believing this one...married to my husband for "30" years come this October 6th~~! I got married at age 7 you know.
Children: Gabriel aka "Gabe", Caleb, Luke, and "Miss Priss" I never give her real name online because of weirdos...although she is a pretty tough cookie and could beat down someone....she was well trained by those big brothers.
Pets: "Danny Boy O'Shae"
Age: Good Lord did she have to ASK this one!!! Ugh......age...47. But I feel like I'm....say 25....on the inside. Not the outside for sure....that's more like say, never mind.
Star Sign: "I have a! Am I a Star?"
Fave Food: Mexican Food
Fave Drink: Tea....Hot and Cold
House Decor Style: there even a name for my decor style?? Let's see....sort of a "Vintage with a twist of British Cottage something"....with a tinge of ....."Louisiana Old South what have you."
Collections: Tea Pots, Tea Cups, Tea "stuff".....ummm....odd bits and pieces of China. Someone once called their mismatched things...."Orphans"...I love that. "Orphan" tea cups and such.
How Did You Get Into Blogging: Someone I know encouraged me to blog and so I finally started doing it and LOVE it. Even though my kids think I'm the biggest nerd. But they do check it and read it and tell others...hummm. The nerd apple doesn't always fall far from the nerd tree does it now??

Come join the party ladies!!

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