Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A little bit of everything

There are times when I love my life, when I am complacent, and times when I seriously consider some re-programming. Today is one of those days. Well…lets be clearer…this WEEK is one of those weeks. Not that I am planning any ‘re-organization’, but more like evaluating things; taking a closer look at exactly WHAT keeps me ticking. I am looking at all the positive’s and negative’s with a microscope to analyze what (if anything) needs to be re-assigned so to speak in order for me to be a little bit more…happy.

Don’t take that sentence out of context though. Happiness is related to so many things, and there ARE things in my life that I am not happy WITH, but it doesn’t change my happiness towards my actual life as a whole. Get it? I feel like I am full of run-on sentences today!

Can’t say my commute makes me happy. In fact, it sets my whole day off badly almost every day. And then I have to go through it all over again at the end of the day. There is no escaping it since there are no other feeder routes home…unless I want to spend even longer trying to manipulate the Port Mann Bridge traffic, AND the Mission/Abby bridge. Not for me, thanks. I really enjoy MOST aspects of my job, so leaving here is not an option for me right now, so really…what can I do to remedy this? I have absolutely zero solutions.

Secondly, I am trying very hard to be ok with coming home grumpy to an overly zealous partner who has had a wonderful day. Sounds selfish, I know. But seriously, think about it. You’re tired, you’ve sat in traffic for a combined two hours, your back hurts from leaning over a computer, your head hurts from all the work, and all you want to do is soak in a warm bath with a glass of wine and WHINE about your day. But you come home to someone who has had a nice sleep (getting up after 7am is sleeping in to me), a late start to work, and a mid-afternoon jaunt out in a boat to do some wakeboarding, only to come back home to cook up a nice supper and tell you about the wonderful relaxing day they had.

Makes you want to fucking kill them doesn’t it? *giggle*

OK…I am slightly over exaggerating. That doesn’t happen everyday…but it does happen on those extremely rough days, sort of like Murphy’s Law. I can’t win. And yes I still do all the housework….hmmmmm. *mentally adding that to the list of things to analyze* LOL

So this weekend is the Luau. Came quickly didn’t it? I honestly have no idea who is coming and who isn’t. I can’t access facebook…and that’s where I invited some people, and I haven’t really been keeping track of people when they tell me if they can come or not. So it could be a big party (hahahahahahahahahahaha) or a little one (more likely). For those of you that have known me for quite some time, you know that SOMETHING always happens to ruin my birthday, this year being no different I am sure. You would think I would learn and just stop celebrating….but nooooo…I am a glutton for punishment! BTW, we opted out of the pig roast. Sorry.

And anyone with some suggestions on paper shot glasses for the Jell-O shooters…. Call me please :-) I have absolutely zero idea where to find those…and almost as little time to do it as well.

Tomorrow is weigh-in #2. I really didn’t eat much of my Jenny food…and STILL lost about 4lbs *I think*. I will let you know tomorrow...especially if it’s good!

Happy hump day

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