Thursday, July 5, 2007

just a big ol' plain VENT

I guess it’s about time for another vent post huh? It’s been awhile. To preface though, I am really looking forward to next week and my ‘time off’ from life to just relax and be stress-free…It’s just TODAY I am frustrated, and need to get some of it out.

I hate being talked down to, one of my biggest pet peeves to be honest. Maybe it’s the subconscious knowledge that I am not as smart as I *think* I am, or even want to be, but regardless I find it extremely hurtful to be ‘patted on the head’ like a small child. I have opinions, I have thoughts, I have ideas…and they are valid damn it! Yes, I do have ‘blonde moments’ from time to time, and they can even been funny even for me…but I have feelings, and it seems as though lately I have either been more sensitive than usual about it, or it’s just become more frequent.

Take the house renovation for just one example. I don’t have a lot of knowledge about home renovations in the least bit, nor do I pretend to know much. BUT, I do put in the effort to learn. I get in there and do the dirty work because I WANT to do it, because it’s my house too, and because I want it to look a certain way too. I have done quite a lot of things to the basement suite that I have never done before, and besides being proud of what I have done, I am also thrilled that I am learning how to do these things. But with all that, I still feel like I am being belittled, like the cutesy little blond girl who can’t break a nail. (I called myself cute, you heard me…or read me…!) But I have noticed one thing, if I don’t say anything or ask questions, things eventually get done. BUT, if I say anything it will get left to the last minute. That’s not fair. But the renovations are just ONE example where I feel like I am considered a dumb blonde that just needs to be humored when she talks.

I don’t deserve to be told to shut up. I don’t deserve to be talked to like a child. I don’t deserve to be belittled in front of my child, or brought down to her level. I don’t deserve to be ‘patted on the head’ with a patronizing smile. I definitely do not deserve to be considered stupid either.

I guess I am just fed up with it. One time, a long time ago, there was this joke about me. “At least your pretty”… every time I said something that I obviously didn’t think about before I spoke. Yes, I tend to do that sometimes…not because I am stupid, but because I don’t think before I speak. Simple as that. Anyways, it was funny for a bit (sort of like ‘easy like Sunday morning right?!? *private joke*) and even now, I find it funny on occasion because I DO KNOW I don’t think before I speak (I don’t kid myself). But does that make me stupid? Does it mean I deserve to be thought of as stupid???? Am I being too sensitive? Am I driving myself mad with all of this?!?!


Oh, and who thinks its ‘ok’, to plan a trip away to a lake without your significant other to go hang out with a buddy and their significant other? I don’t. *pout*

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