Saturday, April 7, 2007

I am dying

I'm not kidding

But here is some advice. Anytime I tell you its not that far to walk, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT listen to me. It seems as thought Boone is a little farther from my house that I thought. I mean, who knew?! With a hot dog in hand, you *think* you can do anything. Hmmph.

I am not joking when I tell you that I am taking T3's as we type for the amount of pain that I am in. First, hangover. Second, knee. Third, neck? Apparently I sleep funny too. UGH

Sometimes, alcohol makes you believe you have super human strength. Shit you not! Seriously. You know what else it makes you think? It makes you think your hotter than you really are cause I *thought* I was pretty damn hot last night, and I strutted myself like I was the hottest thing in the bar (even with the Miss Boone pageant going on with hot chicks in bikinis!), but when I look in the mirror now, I shudder. SO here is another piece of advice. Following a night equivalent to my night last night, jump straight into the shower without glancing in ANY mirror. (But take a T3 first with about a gallon of water)

I am not quite sure, actually, how I am going to get off this chair that I am sitting in as I type. Thankfully it is right beside my bed so I didn't have to hop far when I woke up. My knee is so swollen I am not sure my skinny jeans will go over it.

Who am I kidding?

I don't own skinny jeans. Just felt good to use the word skinny in reference to myself. Bah hahahahahahaha.

I had a dream last night that I was crossing lanes on the Port Mann bridge (but now that I think about it it HAD to of been the Patella, no guard rails) and some semi-truck hit me and I went over the edge. Sadie was a baby, and I worked my ASS off to keep her head above water to make it to shore.*pondering, could be why my arms are sore. Mental note to ask E if I was a little restless last night* But instead I laid her down on what looked like a wood skid and I stayed in the water hanging on. Reminiscent of Titanic actually. I woke up a little bit freaked. But hey, we lived right? Would have been worse if one of us died. Those dreams aren't so fun.

Tonight is N's Bday party ( I think I need to do some creative thinking on nicknames soon!) and I am in no condition to party. In fact, I think I am going to leave the booze to the smart people who didn't drink last night. N wants to make frozen pina coladas with crown royal, so I will support her of course, but only with one, I swear :) We bought her a cute present, but unfortunately BEFORE she told me her favorite color is pink, which I totally thought it was, but I went with blue cause I thought it was a safe choice. Fuck. I hope she likes it anyways. (Psst...we bought her *this part edited due to the fact N got internet today*. Her computer isn't set up yet at the new house so I doubt she will read this before she opens it. And if she does? Fuck.)

Totally random, but someone needs to get on our buddy Jason Mulgrew's ASS about his lack luster posting lately. Not that I am on to complain since (as V would say) I have been a little less entertaining on my blog as of late (OK, a LOT less entertaining) but he is posting like ONCE a week.

Who does that?!?!

If I die today.... please remember I love you all. Now wish me luck getting into the shower. There is a strong possibility I may need a walker.

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