Thursday, July 16, 2009

Funky things.....

Life has all sorts of FUNKY "twists, and turns" to it and we have to hang on during those times.
Right now.....after something very painful happening to me on Tuesday......

As a result...I've sort of "hit the wall" it seems and I am in a bit of a fog.
I don't want to write.
I don't want to "Wedding plan" which is okay right now because most of it is done.
I don't seem to have any joy or zeal for things right now.
I don't want anyone around me even. Which is so not me.
I want to sit and I want to cry.

And "No" wasn't because someone was mean to me on my blog.

Right now...I can't do much.
I don't even want to go to work. I want to fly off to New York and shop. Or go hide in some foreign country for like 2 years. And I might do both of those things before the day is out if I don't get a GRIP.

Sadly..... I DO WANT TO EAT.......that's stinks. HA! HA!
Why can't those things go away too during times like these.

I need to get up out of that funk though. That is forsure. Because I'm a busy person and I have "places to go, people to see, and things to do."
So this needs to STOP and now.
Pray for me.....this has been devastating to me though. But it's probably stupid to someone else that has gone through death, cancer, divorce, adultry. Things like that.

So I even feel weird feeling bad........but it has alot to do with "REJECTION."

You would think by this time in could handle rejection.
Especially if they've had tons of it as a child and throughout their life.....but all it takes is one well devised plan by that devil and he will lay you out.

I didn't see this coming. Otherwise I would have ducked. But I didn't.

My husband is fine, my kids are fine.....we Mahan's are all fine. But this is a lesson of a lifetime.
Which you think I would have learned by now.

Sometimes.....I love and TRUST way too much.
It's a good and a bad thing.

This too shall pass and I know that. :~)

My good friend Nona who has been undergoing Cancer treatments since Christmas sent me an e-mail today. She knew nothing of my need for healing in my heart.
But God knew and boy..was this ever "spot on" for me to read today.....

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

"All of us are born for a reason, but not all of us discover why.
Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or
accomplish for yourself. Its what you do for others." - Danny Thomas

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