Monday, September 26, 2011

The U.S. received more repudiation today on its genocidal Cuba blockade/embargo

Pretty soon the United States, and its President, Barack H. Obama will be all alone. Total isolation by the world community of nations. That is what the world gave to Germany's Third Reich in the 1930-40's and that is what the U.S. is receiving today, not only on the Cuba issue, but also on the request by the Palestinian Authority to be admitted as a new U.N. member state.

That is very sad, because the American people are good people. But they are governed by two alternating capitalist parties that are thoroughly corrupt and dishonest.

Today, at the United Nations General Assembly, the member states heard the speeches of dignitaries of two sovereign countries, Uruguay and Lesotho.

Danilo Astory, vice-president of Uruguay, said that the U.S. embargo against Cuba goes against the Charter of the United Nations.

Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, pronounced himself in favor of the elimination of the genocidal blockade of the U.S. against Cuba.

The new Emperor of the U.S. has been shown to have no clothes! Naked before the world!

The American people have to be patient. Obama's approval rating is an at all-time low and I am confident that his term will end on January 20, 2013.

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