Friday, August 8, 2008

"Time for Tea with Father Ted"

If you've never seen the show "Father Ted" before, here's a tiny clip of the infamous "Mrs Doyle" the housekeeper trying to coax Father Ted into a nice "cuppa tea and a cake."

"Father Ted" was a weekly show that used to come on PBS a few years back. It was a BBC production of course about three Irish Priests and their mad housekeeper who live on "Craggy Island" off the coast of Ireland somewhere. It's all fictional of course. I think. HA!
We had a boy from Ireland staying with us one summer and he was watching this show one night at our house. We had never even heard of it before.
He told us that "it was one of the most "favored" shows in Ireland" at the we watched it.

My sister Jerri who lives in Iowa and I got pretty hooked on this show because "if you love sarcasm and you love the Irish"'s all of that.
Plus I had just gotten back from Ireland so I was into all things Irish at the time.

Then our local PBS never put it back on. I couldn't blame them though. I suppose they got complaints about it.

It is a bit "sacrilegious".....especially for South Louisiana so I was surprised that they even showed it down here. But then is pretty sacrilegious for Ireland too actually.

I have to warn you because some of the episodes can get a bit "crass" so you have to use discretion.

They are posting lots of short clips from the show on U-Tube and I found this "tea clip" that I thought you might enjoy today.

It's rainy as Ireland here today in Baton Rouge.

When I went to rained every day I was there....10 straight days of rain. Not all day long mind you. But every day still.

Interestingly also rains EVERY single day in South Louisiana in the summertime.....did you know that???

But it's hot and humid here...pretty much ALWAYS.....and their accents are way cooler in Ireland.

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