Friday, February 1, 2008

"Happy Groundhogs Day"........

Today is the day set aside for when the Groundhog named "Punxsutawney Phil" will come out of his Groundhog house at "sunrise," take a look around and depending on whether he does or doesn't see "his shadow" will thus predict when the world can expect spring.

Amazing....I know.

If Phil sees his shadow, the "legend" of the Groundhog is that that we can expect six more weeks of winter weather. No shadow indicates an early spring.

My sister Jenny in Iowa called me the other night on her way home from work in Nebraska....she told me that "IF that stupid Groundhog didn't see his shadow she was sooooo going after him."
In not so nice of words I might add.
I had totally forgotten that "Groundhogs Day" was even upon us.

But to people in the cold north.....I suppose might consider just "WHAT" that Groundhog might be seeing..."shadow wise" and all.
You see......she was just a tad bit...ummm...."frozen and frustrated."
It was at minus 20 below wind chill where she was at that night. Plus she had for some reason cracked her window in her car and it had snowed and she had a pile of snow in her car. Brrrrrrr!

My husband had talked to a lady on the phone in Minnesota that same day and she told my husband it was -50 below wind chill there.

Tonight my Aunt Pat in Missouri sent me an e-mail and in it she mentioned that they were having a "dinner party" for "Groundhogs Day" tomorrow night. She said that her husband's Father used to have one every year so they were upholding the "family tradition."
I love that.

I wrote her back and gave her some "menu ideas" and decorating hints on how to put up some various "Groundhog" decorations and such.
That would be fun.

Not sure how this all got started.....but I think it's time to stop this train.

Check the news tomorrow and see how soon "Spring" will be knocking on your door in your local areas depending on Mr. Groundhog.

I wonder...."does this weather forecast work for all of America or just for Pennsylvania?"

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